They took a little bit of way-around approach, as I recall Shadow assumed this identity way before MS died. In overall I am happy with the portrayal of the book. The action is faster than in there, so I do not get those complains. Unless those are coming from people, who are not familiar with the source material...

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This whole season is a filler

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This was pretty weird, and hard to follow, with nothing really happening in it. Pretty disappointing.

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One good episode out of 16 so far (not this one!). Wednesday, Ibis and Nancy are the only characters interesting enough to keep me watching. Everyone else is tedious, and no amount of pretty visuals can overcome that deficit. The totally static plot doesn't help.

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I came into season 2 just when season 3 was starting. I'm not sure why i let so much time pass, because I thoroughly enjoyed season 2. The story didn't push forward a lot, but it did enough where I was invested in the characters.

I love the visuals, it's what really drives me to tune in

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I miss the first season, where stuff really happened. I literaly just watched the season and I can't remember what just happened other than: They changed Media do New Media, Mad Sweeney died and Shadow and Wednesday stole Lou Reed's jacket. What else relevant happened in this season? I tell you: nothing at all.

To be really honest I almost dropped the show in episode 4, the only thing that kept me watching is because I can't stand to leave a show uncompleted here on

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Shout by kinky

I fell asleep somewhere in the middle of the episode. This show is so unbelievably slow and boring... It had an OK introductory first season, but after a whole second season the show still got nowhere. There is no plot, nothing ever happens, people just talk a lot and do absolutely nothing. I don't think I'll be back for a third one. It's sad to see such great potential being wasted like this.

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I take back what I said about the plot moving too slow. Because there is no plot.

This finale was one big ball of absolute nonsense. And my biggest takeaway from the season is that Shadow Moon does a whole lotta nothin’. SUCH a frustrating character to watch.

I don’t even know if the show itself knows where it’s headed or what it’s truly about. And I don’t know if I’ll be tuning in to season three.

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Dumping this show in s3, real disappointment after s1.

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Really 25 mins of waste of time BS before the actual episode starts? This was fine early in the season...not for the season finale.

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2 seasons and they didn't even go to battle, what a waste of time. This started SO good and now it's boring af

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Wow hoped that the second season would be more interesting than the first but it's opposite.

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What a dull season finale, compared to the last one which had me at the edge of my seat all throughout, this one struggled to even keep me watching past the 20 minute mark.

Truly disappointing.

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Mediocre season finale, decent episode. I guess we'll have to wait until the third season for who Shadow is to be revealed which sucks.

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This season they were mostly stalling.

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That was exciting, trippy and devious.
Someone get these people to make a series on The Illuminatus Trilogy by R.A.Wilson puhlease

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Second season has been a big letdown,half the time I've not got a clue what's going on....season 3?

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