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American Gods

Season 3

shadow has the ugliest haircut in s3.

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Boooooooring !
That season 3 sucks real bad :tired_face: while trying to add narratives instead of following the book.
That's a big waste, too bad.
And wtf is that haircut Shadow Moon ? :laughing:

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Shout by Will
BlockedParent2021-07-01T05:20:29Z— updated 2021-07-24T03:12:17Z


-WARNING: Spoilers Below-

This one will be quite short because truthfully there's not much I can really say about this season. It was okay and that's about it. The acting was okay, the story was okay, everything was just... okay.

I'm writing this review after they announced the cancelling of American Gods and truthfully as much as I once loved the show it was becoming as boring and ugly as Shadow's hair choice this season. I honestly can't even remember much about this season to write a full blown review so I'll leave it at this.

Season 3 was an okay watch especially if you're just using it as background noise. Once you've finished it I guarantee you'll look back at the show and think "yeah, cancelling it was the right choice."

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I blame shadows "hair club for men" haircut for the awful season 3

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I had a really difficult time watching this season, but I pushed myself to see it through to the end. It's not surprising that the show got canceled, given that the writers seemed to have no idea of what to do with any of the characters This is especially concerning considering that they had a whole novel as a reference. Some new characters, like Demeter, were introduced but ultimately served no purpose, while others were put in the fridge until you have forgotten about them. While some of the plot threads did come together in the end, I don't think an entire season was necessary to reach this point. The show did have some dreamy bits and visually interesting moments, but there were also many poorly made special effects. Although these issues have been present from the start, it's hard to see them as a deliberate artistic choice.

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oof they really didn't know where to go with this show huh....

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[Amazon] A show that has always had more possibilities than results. It is curious to see that after the chaos of the S2 it was found a way to continue, and in the S3, when it seemed that it had reached a certain normality, it has been cancelled. But it has always been a kind of Frankenstein, a mixture of pieces to compose a monster with difficulty in maintaining balance.

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It's not often I drop a show, but after episode one of this season, I just can't do it anymore. It's not that the show is bad, it certainly has its moments. But the vast majority of it is just... boring. It's dull. I dread having to watch it just to keep up with my 'up next to watch'. I'm out.

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