Shout by AresAht

Why ?

why have the gay sex scenes been so long? the episode is composed almost of that! at a pinch 2/3 min ok but there?

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How many pages of the book did they cover in this season? Like ten?

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Just so, so boring.

Nice Norse scenery, but everything is so obvious and tedious. Expensive doesn't equal worthwhile.

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The motel part was sooooo long... for basically nothing happening. And weird.I might be mistaken but I'm pretty sure you can be gay without being into weird over the top sex parties with strangers disguised as half naked fairies. This is so not Salim.

And by the way Salim is a really lovable character, but negotiating Laura's deal is the only time in the whole show where is has been a tiny bit useful to the plot.

But when the chinese god blessed the motel owner with long life, wow, is she immortal now ? Because it's been a long time and she didn't age.

Bilquis appearing as Technical Boy's subconscious is the best Bilquis ever. So much better than any plot of the real one.

The Odin/Tyr battle felt out of place for the show, turned out not as interesting as it should have been.

In the end one of the most empty episodes of the whole show.

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:taco: Wednesday killing Tuesday seemed like a cheat.... OK, Tuesday (Tyr) WAS, "monologue-ing," but, still.

:taco: Who knew Salim was ripped? (hahaha)

:taco: Great pop-culture reference to, "Harvey," the Pucca from the James Stewart movie!

I don't understand some viewers distaste for the, "Gay sex scenes;" none come close to the literal literary descriptions of say William S. Burroughs in, "Naked Lunch." Those scenes were not put into the show for me -- I'm not Gay. It was sort of cool seeing someone work through their issues coming from a religious background -- catharsis is somewhat universal: a moment in time that allows for transformation and enlightenment. Plus, I was more focused on pausing & rewinding to see if the pony girl was wearing a true tail plug...she wasn't, but.... People who are different should be okay with it, and we should be OK with them.

:taco: Loved Bilquis without the dramatic voice: Future-boy's subconscious asserting itself. (It's always good when you can hear your subconscious.)

:taco: Loved Laura Moon showing her love..."Fuck you, good-bye."

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