I was secretly hoping for an outcome like this but it turned out to be 100x better. Three days seems so little for what is left of the season, but I'm glad that they are keeping it effective without dragging for too long.

The only negative aspect that I'd point out would be the reality show vibe. I don't like Big Brother and the camera work annoys me as hell, but even so, I'm still rooting for these characters.

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This was batshit crazy. I loved it.

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I loved this episode. Kathy Bates does crazy brilliantly lol she was hilarious. Some interesting twists, the real wife having a quick fling with the actor husband, the actor wife ups and marries Evan Peter's character. And the biggest twist...the real couple and husband's sister are mad enuff to go back in that house hahaha insanity...I love it. Great episode!

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Episode 6 and this season is still good? Is this real? Normally at this point the writers have already fucked up the whole storyline and nothing makes sense anymore. But not this season. It's still brilliant.

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I can honestly say that season is the best season they made so far. Proper horror, proper scares. I'm really glad they went this way. An actual story that makes sense for once

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Shit got real!!!
That was so creepy.

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That was their big "twist"? Really? Lame. So far I'm rating Roanoke even with Freak Show. That is not saying much.

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Shout by Deleted

Fucking masterpiece, one of the best episodes on the whole series.

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Shout by Zoe

That was a nice twist, different at least. Hope it continues this way.

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It might not have been the big twist they promised (After all even I did imagine they would go this way) but it's was damn effective nonetheless! I could be that the real butcher is Jessica Lange? And is Finn playing the real Edward Mott? So many possibilities! Excellent episode! Exciting to see who will be the one survivor!

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worst episode so far and worst season of all so far! totally unrealistic and therefore totally un-scary!

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I don't know how everbody thinks this episode is any good.
Don't get me wrong, the idea is great but poorly executed.

I mean who in the world would want to go back to that house -whatever the reason is-, suffered more than enough. Living the hell. That's not realistic at all.

And what about the accident happened in the set with one of the crew chopping his head off with chainsaw? Was it really necessary?

Oh, and the woman rushing her way to safety gets killed by a pig-headed-monster for no reason.

But that's not all. The stupidest thing was for me is the woman who was supposed to be the actress playing The Butcher gets crazy while getting in the character deeply. Really? I know the key elements of this show could be easily unrealistic and fictional; but if you have an idea to make it feel like realistic, then try making it.

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Reality show effect is not for me. Ready to quit watching this season .

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The real Butcher has to be Jessica Lange since I just saw her as Mary Tyrone in Long Day's Journey Into Night!

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Shout by Mewn

Sooooo, Nightmare was a success so they decided to put everyone in the house together on the blood moon...and apparently everyone but one dies >_> Evan's character did not last long LOL
No Gaga (actress)....so hmmm, maybe they'll just use her as the witch for real.
I bet the Kathy Bates character survives XD just because she's always in character.

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Absolutely mental ep, fav in the season by far

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I can't stand "found footage" filming...Without it, this episode may have ranked better in my opinion. With it, it's blah...

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i removed AHS from the "on deck to watch" section, but i'm now following it again. Does anyone know how to add it there again?

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great episode. still no intro though. i am officially giving up on getting it back

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Shout by georgia

but like they wouldn’t go back. not really???? like i get it with matt because he reads as depressed + suicidal + ready to die but like. lee has a daughter. she would not risk orphaning flora by going back in. she wouldn't. as for shelby.......... her reasoning is pretty flimsy and after those nightmares she said she still got i cant see her doing this.....

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