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Angel: Season 1

1x10 Parting Gifts

Wesley is just a bit much in this episode, not even really comic relief. And the pacing of the lead up to the climax was very off.

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Yay, Wesley! Like Giles, he really grows on you. In my book, he becomes second only to Angel in importance.

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Shout by SLionsCricket
BlockedParent2017-07-21T02:42:54Z— updated 2017-11-08T06:21:24Z

In my opinion, Wesley Wyndam-Pryce is the greatest character from either show and he is re-introduced here in Parting Gifts. ANGEL's writers waste no time bringing in a replacement for Doyle, who over the course of his stay on the show, would transform himself to the point of becoming virtually unrecognizable by the end.

The episode itself does something BUFFY did with The Body (in the morgue scene) in that it doesn't allow its characters the time to grief. Wesley is brought in and his re-introduction to viewers is a sight to behold! Besides one very awkwardly written scene where Wesley is self-derisive, he is an absolute joy to watch and the episode itself is stellar.

The main story is exciting and the character of Barney is fantastic, as both a comforting presence for Cordelia and the episode's villain collecting demon powers . Cordelia receives the Visions from Doyle after their kiss and by the end of the episode, is on ehr way to accepting her newfound responsibility. There is an appropriate amount of weight on Doyle's demise while slowly integrating Wesley into the group.

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