the fighting music was almost unbearable! cool to see Buffy for the first time in this show. But kind of cliché and annoying in some bits. Hey, don't go off fighting alone, no sane person would do ... ok .. you just did... right. No one in IRL would be that dumb, but it's a show so they have to be.

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See, you should never make a deal with Mephisto. Especially not to save Aunt May.

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Rip my heart out with a spoon. This seemed fairly above average S1 Angel with extenuating Buffyness, but then it just goes straight for the blood pumper and pulls out epic hero plotline and turns the star-crossed drama to epic fantasy levels, too. She's crying, I'm crying, we're all crying. It's a symphony of exquisite pain and cookie dough fudge mint chip ice cream.

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Oh yeah. Tea and crackers ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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oh boy i cried like a little baby watching this

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