• 7
  • 131
  • 12
  • 19
  • Ended
  • 1987-06-16T04:00:00Z
  • 30m
  • 10h 40m (24 episodes)
  • Richard Rich
  • United States
  • English
  • united states of america
  • Animation, Family, Drama
The series features twenty-four stories from the New Testament, including many of the parables of Jesus, the story of his birth, death and resurrection. The series concludes with two episodes about Paul the Apostle and his missionary journeys.

24 episodes

Series Premiere


1x01 The King Is Born

Series Premiere

1x01 The King Is Born

  • 1987-06-16T04:00:00Z25m

The King is Born is a video classic about the birth of Jesus based on the Bible. Beginning with Gabriel announcing God's blessed plan for Mary, this video brings all the elements of this timeless store to life. Journey with Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem and witness the humble birth of our Savior together with the shepherds.


1x02 He is Risen

1x02 He is Risen

  • 1988-06-01T04:00:00Z29m

From the sorrow of the crucifixion to the majesty of Christ’s ascension into Heaven, the most important story of the Bible will touch the heart of your child forever. Celebration of Good Friday and Easter commemorates Jesus death and resurrection the core of Christianity. Jesus died to break the power of sin and to restore our relationship with God. The resurrection assures us of our eternal life-victory over death, symbolizing hope for all humanity. Jesus called His Disciples to spread the good news of the Gospel, a call that speaks to us today.


1x03 The Prodigal Son

1x03 The Prodigal Son

  • 1998-06-19T04:00:00Z27m

The Prodigal Son, Jacob, leaves his father's farm to seek his fortune in the city. Encountering many temptations, Jacob squanders his inheritance. Reduced to living with animals, he decides to return to his father's home regardless of the consequences. His father welcomes Jacob home, celebrating his return and forgiving him of his sins. With a group of followers gathered about him, Jesus tells the parable of the Prodigal Son, Jacob, the younger son of a successful farmer, begs his father for his inheritance so he can go to the city and become a rich money lender. ...


1x04 The Good Samaritan

1x04 The Good Samaritan

  • 1989-01-06T05:00:00Z27m

The video begins with a moving song which tells us that our "hands are the Lord's hands", and asks for His help for living in peace with our neighbors. Suddenly, we are in a room with Jesus and His Disciples. He tells them that many people have desired salvation. In a corner of the room, two men are in deep discussion. One of them, a lawyer, challenges Jesus to tell him what is to be done to inherit eternal life. Jesus tells the story of a man who needed to travel a dangerous road to Jericho to buy spices. We are transported by Jesus' words to a wayside inn. The ...


1x05 The Miracles of Jesus

1x05 The Miracles of Jesus

  • 1989-06-13T04:00:00Z27m

Jesus calms the storm, walks on water, heals the sick, the lame and the blind and even raises the dead- all miracles demonstrating his love and teaching his disciples the miraculous power of faith. The Miracles of Jesus begins with a test of the disciples' faith as their as their boat is tossed about on the Sea of Galilee by the fierce storm. Jesus awakens to calm the storm, asking Peter and the others," why were you afraid? Where is your faith?" We learn of miracles performed by Jesus, including his healing of the palsied child, David, and raising Jairus' daughter, ...


1x06 Saul of Tarsus

1x06 Saul of Tarsus

  • 1990-06-01T04:00:00Z26m

Saul of Tarsus, a student of Jewish law, zealously persecutes early Christians. But after experiencing a blinding vision of Jesus while traveling to Damascus, where he intended to carry out more persecutions, Saul converts to Christianity. Changing his name to Paul, he becomes a tireless evangelist, preaching in the name of Jesus to Jews and Gentiles alike from the Near East to Rome. Saul is a student of Jewish law who is implacably opposed to the "heresy" of the Christian .He stands by as the Jewish religious court, the Sanherdrin, sentences Stephen to death by ...


1x07 John the Baptist

1x07 John the Baptist

  • 1990-06-17T04:00:00Z26m

John the Baptist, born to an elderly couple in answer to their prayers and a promise from God, grows up to be a prophet, preaching of the coming of the messiah. He fulfills Biblical prophecy by recognizing Jesus as the promised Savior and baptizing Him going before the Lord. The moving story of John the Baptist begins as Elizabeth, a virtuous older woman who longs for a child, delights in watching a young boy playing outside her window. Her husband Zacharias, chosen to offer incense to God at the temple, is visited there by the Angel Gabriel who tells him that his ...


1x08 The Righteous Judge

1x08 The Righteous Judge

  • 1990-06-24T04:00:00Z26m

Jesus had to struggle with authorities who saw His message as a threat. Caiaphas, the high Judge, tries to trick Jesus into making a judgment against the legal and moral authorities. Jesus responds with the great command: "Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone." On the street we see Aaron, a poor blind beggar. As two men pass him, one expresses the belief that Aaron's blindness is a punishment from God for his sins or the sins of his parents. Aaron is convinced in his heart and souls that Jesus can heal him, but he cannot find Him. His good parents set off ...


1x09 Forgive Us Our Debts

1x09 Forgive Us Our Debts

  • 1991-06-01T04:00:00Z25m

Through examples and parables, Jesus leads Peter to learn the power of forgiveness and how to control his anger at those who do him wrong. Through Peter's experience, we learn the lesson of forgiveness. As Peter looks over the day's excellent catch of fish, two demanding tax collectors come up to his boat. Mocking Peter's faith in Christ, they tell Peter they will return the next day to collect their tax for the temple. Jesus tells the angry Peter to forgive the tax collectors and to go to the sea and cast in his line. There, as Jesus foretold, Peter catches a fish. ...


1x10 The Kingdom of Heaven

1x10 The Kingdom of Heaven

  • 1991-06-18T04:00:00Z25m

Jesus uses a series of short stories, parables, to help us learn about the Kingdom of Heaven and about how to live each day. Eternal life, faith, judgment, obedience and preparedness are the principles explored in this video. The Kingdom of Heaven begins with Jesus in the clouds and angels in the background. There are people from different times and different races looking into the clouds and seeing Jesus. Jesus begins to speak to the people about the Kingdom of Heaven and how the treatment of others is the same as actions toward Him. Slowly, Jesus' shining garment is...


1x11 Treasures in Heaven

1x11 Treasures in Heaven

  • 1991-07-02T04:00:00Z24m

Two wealthy men respond to Jesus in very different ways. One, who is basically good, is unable to accept Jesus' directive that he give up the treasures of this world for the greater treasures of Heaven. The other, a sinful Publican, struggles to come to grips with his emerging faith in Jesus, and finally accepts with his fellow man and achieving eternal salvation. Zacchaeus is the Chief Publican of Jericho, gaining great wealth by cheating others. His young son has heard of Jesus and wants to go see Him. But Zacchaeus will not give up the opportunity to make money ...

Season Finale


1x12 The Ministry of Paul

Season Finale

1x12 The Ministry of Paul

  • 1991-06-25T04:00:00Z25m

Paul's ministry is an act of continuing faith and determination in the face of opposition from both Jewish religious leaders and Roman civil authority. Paul tirelessly crisscrosses the Romans Empire time and time again, preaching the word of Jesus to Jews and Gentiles alike as he establishes Christian communities that would grow into a universal church. We begin with a meeting of the Pharisees, a strict Jewish sect which considers Paul's preaching and success in converting Jews to Christianity as a threat to their survival-a threat they must snuff out. We travel with ...

Season Premiere


2x01 Jesus, the Son of God

Season Premiere

2x01 Jesus, the Son of God

  • 1995-07-01T04:00:00Z26m

Jesus, the Son of God begins with Jesus, Mary and Joseph traveling to Jerusalem for the Passover in 13 A.D. Young Jesus, age twelve, walks behind His parents carrying a lamb. Jesus is to present the lamb to the priest as a sacrifice for sins. Once inside the busy, noisy city full of trading and bartering, Jesus and His family sell and buy the things they need before taking the lamb to the priest. Jesus presents the lamb to the priest, and the priest tests Him by asking some questions about the law. Jesus' answers are correct and the priest congratulates Him. Later, ...


2x02 Bread from Heaven

2x02 Bread from Heaven

  • 1996-07-01T04:00:00Z25m

Bread from Heaven is an account of how Jesus has compassion for the multitudes that have come to hear Him minister. The story begins with a young street urchin named Jonas who is begging for each bit of food he can get. After an incident of trickery, he takes bread from the local bakers, Zeke and Jethro. He refuses to share his bread with an old man who is weak and clearly in need of nourishment. Later Jonas finds himself listening to the words of Jesus on the mountain. He is inspired by His message. When Jesus asks for food to feed the people, Jonas unselfishly ...


2x03 The Greatest Is the Least

2x03 The Greatest Is the Least

  • 1997-07-01T04:00:00Z25m

After the resurrection of Christ, the disciples learned to practice their Master's teachings. Our Lord taught his disciples that in order to be the greatest in Heaven, one must understand what it means to be least on Earth.


2x04 The Lost Is Found

2x04 The Lost Is Found

  • 1999-07-01T04:00:00Z28m

Jesus uses the lives of Miriam, Jonah and Matthew along with the parables of the lost coin and the lost sheep to show how mercy, forgiveness and love are generously extended to all sinners. One sinner's repentance is rejoiced by many. The Lost is Found is the story of three sinners, Miriam the harlot, Jonah, a sick man, and Matthew the publican. The parables of the lost coin and the lost sheep are weaved into these three stories to show forgiveness for all sinners who repent. The video opens with Miriam working in a pub as a waitress and harlot. She is trapped in this...


2x05 Lazarus Lives

2x05 Lazarus Lives

  • 2000-07-01T04:00:00Z26m

The story opens in a cave - a Leper colony. One of its members, Simon, has a daughter, Sarah, who is also afflicted and gravely ill. Simon is a friend of Lazarus and was his previous business partner before he took ill. Meanwhile, Lazarus and his sister, Mary, prepare care packages for Simon and the others at the Leper colony. Mary has made a special doll for Sarah. They go to visit the Leper colony to deliver the care packages, including the doll. When they arrive, they receive the news that Sarah has died from her leprosy. Stricken with grief, Lazarus and Mary ...


2x06 Lord, I Believe

2x06 Lord, I Believe

  • 2001-07-01T04:00:00Z27m

Jesus uses three inspiring stories to teach the power of faith. Jesus teaches that if our faith is only the size of a tiny mustard seed, nothing shall be impossible. Lord, I Believe combines three stories to teach the magnificent power of faith. In this video, Jesus is teaching His disciples through word and deed that nothing shall be impossible for those that believe in Him. In the beginning, a Roman centurion, Flavis, is imprisoning men who could not afford to pay their taxes, while Jesus helps those in need. Later, Flavis asks his servant, Licea, about the man ...


2x07 The Lord's Prayer

2x07 The Lord's Prayer

  • 2001-07-01T04:00:00Z27m

On many occasions Jesus taught His disciples the power of prayer through parables and example. After Jesus' resurrection and ascension into Heaven, His disciples find their faith tested when Peter is arrested and cast into a Roman prison. As Herod plots Peter's death, the believers gather together and follow the example that Jesus taught. Through faith and persistent prayer, Peter's chains are broken and the Angel of the Lord opens the prison gates. The united prayers of the righteous save Peter and is still a power on Earth without equal. Peter and Mark return to ...


2x08 The Messiah Comes!

2x08 The Messiah Comes!

  • 2004-07-24T04:00:00Z28m

Jesus offers deliverance from the bondage of sin and death and gives hope of eternal life through His atonement. The Messiah Comes opens with Cleopas getting ready to go into Jerusalem for the Passover. He is persecuted twice by Roman soldiers on his way to Jerusalem and is hopeful that the Messiah will bring them a new ruler. Once in Jerusalem, Cleopas meets up with Nicodemus, a Pharisee, and his friend. Jesus enters the temple and hears the noise of the busy commerce. Two Pharisees are sent to watch over Jesus while He is in the city. They have been told His ...


2x09 Parables of Jesus

2x09 Parables of Jesus

  • 2004-07-01T04:00:00Z32m

This story reinforces the principles of forgiveness, compassion and stewardship. The parables teach us to be good stewards of our time and the things we have been given. The Parables of Jesus includes three of the most loved parables: The Two Sons, The Rich Man and Lazarus and The Talents. The video begins with Jesus telling the story of the two sons. It is harvest time and the two sons cannot be found. Their father searches out to find his sons so the harvest would not be lost. The oldest son, who is suppose to inherit the vineyard, is found relaxing by the shore and...


2x10 Worthy Is the Lamb

2x10 Worthy Is the Lamb

  • 2004-07-20T04:00:00Z31m

Jesus knows he has been sent by God as the Messiah to fulfill the foretold prophesies of the Old Testament prophets and the long awaited cries of the Jewish people. His courage, love, mercy and grace are all represented through his ultimate sacrifice. Worthy is the Lamb is an account of the last days of Jesus' ministry. Jesus has been preparing his followers for his death, burial and resurrection. As he tells his disciples of the final days ahead, he discloses that one of them will betray him. Judas feels unappreciated for his work in keeping up the financial portion ...


2x11 Built Upon the Rock

2x11 Built Upon the Rock

  • 2004-11-09T05:00:00Z26m

Built Upon the Rock is a story of two brothers and how an inheritance teaches them about their own foundation and eternal life. In the beginning of the video, Gideon is dying and has asked that his two sons, Thomas and Sahara work together overseeing his vineyards after he is gone. When Gideon dies, Sahara takes control of the vineyards and begins to sell grapes that are not yet ripe to loyal customers. Thomas is greatly disturbed and seeks out a lawyer named Josiah to help him regain his part of his inheritance. Josiah has left law practice to follow Jesus. He ...

Season Finale


2x12 Signs of the Times

Season Finale

2x12 Signs of the Times

  • 2005-04-12T04:00:00Z27m

Jesus uses the parables of the King's Wedding feast" and the "Thief in the Night" to teach his disciples to have humility, to repent, and to be prepared for the day He will come again. Jesus teaches his followers to patiently watch for the significant signs that will precede His Second Coming.
