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Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches 2023

I cannot find this series on Hobi. Pls can you add it.

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After watching the pilot episode, i am having mixed feelings about this show. I have a good feeling that this will be a wild ride. So far, so good. Rating it a 10/10 for now, but i will be changing my rating as the season goes.

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This is mediocre tv. The flashbacks were incoherent from the Dick van Dyke school of accents. They were so bad it wasn't until I read a comment on here that I realised it was meant to be Scotland.

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A mediocre book adaptation series starring alexandra daddario.

It's not bad as an idea: we watch the character development and the step she takes to witchcraft for a season after a promising surgeon girl learns that she is actually adopted and behind this lies the fact that her 7 clans are witches.

For me, it is more attractive for the whole series to proceed on a single subject rather than going on a separate topic in each episode. I finished the first season for this reason, but the acting is bad, the visuals are bad and the style is an outdated fantasy drama reminiscent of the late 90s and early 2000s. The script of the story is not interesting at all, it does not progress in a way to draw the viewer in and manages to be boring in almost every episode.

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Shout by episodequ33n
BlockedParent2023-10-08T09:52:53Z— updated 2023-10-19T04:50:47Z

well i feel like they did what they could haha how to even adapt a 1000 pager to 8 tiny episodes? ridiculous idea yet, this is the result! kinda shit lmao, an insult to anne rice great legacy but maaaybe more ppl would read the book cause of this? now its making me wanna re-read it even tho when i did i was like WHY tf did i even read all of that?

everything's kinda mediocre lol but what can you do. lasher is the cringiest of them all but maybe it does kinda portray how creepy and kinda lame it is to have a man like spirit haunting and stalking you and your daughters for centuries like, maybe it indeed was meant to come across as this lame and yucky , because it would be!

honest rating? 5/10
dishonestly... 7/10 but only if youre like some sort of series junkie like me, who doesnt mind watching kinda trash ocassionally.

the interview with the vamp show is spectacular compared to this tho. but idc i liked them both maybe i just love nola thats why

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This show started out promising and after 2-3 episodes it went to shit.

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I cannot take it anymore. Who in the world is writing nonsense like this and why? Horrible acting, a women's image from another century and a story which is astonishingly both, simple and chaotic at the same time. I will not finish this complete waste of my time.

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Why doesn't this series appear on Hobi app?

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As part of the same universe as "interview with the vampire" called the immortal universe. Unfortunately it doesn't carry the same charm as its sister show. I'd say this show is bland and why is Rowan always whispering like she talks in a loud whisper . Not to say I didn't enjoy it. It had its moments

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I didn't get to the end of this season. It started of ok-ish (episode 1 is often like that) but went downhill. So slow it was just dull as they stretched the episodes out to 44-52 minutes so they seemed much longer. The acting was average, the scripts were average to poor, the production values were good, the core idea was excellent

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This has become absolute trash, predictable and dumb.

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I love the Daddario siblings and will watch anything they are in. I loved Alexandra in this and so i was immediately pulled in.

Unfortunately, I think, like many shows recently, this has fallen victim to a short episode order. This needed to be in the 22-episode tv format and not 8. They tried to cover too much in too little space and nothing had a chance to build out and be adequately explained.

This was a 22-episode script compacted down instead of being written as 8 episodes and so, everything was rushed and at times confusing. I'm hopeful that season 2 is better as I think it could end up being worthwhile.

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I thought this was decent, I wouldn’t recommend it to someone or let anyone know I watched it though. It didn’t feel like a chore to watch like Interview with a Vampire did, maybe because the actress is easy on the eyes. I didn’t read the Witch books so maybe that’s why I liked it more than the Vampire stories that I did read and felt like they didn’t do a good job with. Overall though my main thought is why the heck AMC cancelled a show that was as good as Lodge 49, and then they continue to put out sub par series after series.

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A bland and somewhat chaotic adaptation that tries so hard to want to be ambitious in its psychological approach to the protagonist (a weak performance by Alexandra Daddario), that it ends up being soporific in its portrayal of the protagonist's transformation. It ends up being a witch story without too much esotericism, but above all it's a show that feels underdeveloped and surprisingly misdirected at times when the story calls for forcefulness and strength. The last two episodes are especially embarrassing.

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Why bother naming it after a book series you're barely going to follow? Money, obviously, but I can't believe Christopher was on board with it. I can't see him needing the money. Very disrespectful to the source material. Skip this mess and read The Witching Hour.

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Crappy script combined with crappy acting from a crappy cast. This could’ve been watchable if they’d just managed to avoid screwing up at least one of those things.

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@maranon they probably do think that, if they expect us to like this show.

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I love the series. But what's with that after talk? That woman is explaining, what we just saw.... uhhh, explaining? She is telling what we just saw.... Do they think we are stupid?

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I think the weekly release schedule is actually hurting this show. This seems like a show that'd be good to binge through, but when you have an entire week to think about all the questionable aspects of the show, you really start to question whether you even want to watch the next episode.

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Well this is a series that hopefully wont get renewed. They better kicl it up and put some life in this sleeper.

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@linuxfighter you are right. Her acting is all over the place and sometimes even irritating. She is like sleep wandering through the episodes. But the story isn't very compelling, too. Just think about what happened so far. It is not even enough story for a one pager. Until now, I just like the overall atmosphere and the New Orleans setting in the garden district style.

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loved the story but hated the acting... they should have picked a better actress for the main role

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as much as it tries, it fails to engage on pretty much every level. people's motivations are muddled and the protagonist wonders around in a state of perpetual dreamy confusion. the narrative is all over the place and it’s difficult to see where the story is going. essentially the show comes across as incoherent nonsense moving at a snail’s pace. where's the fun in that? (after 4 episodes)

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The things we do for Alexandra Daddario

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Three episodes into Mayfair Witches and it squeaks by the three-episode rule for now. It isn't amazing television, takes some substantial liberties and I wouldn't bump anything out of a busy viewing schedule for it, but it is good enough and compelling enough for casual viewing.

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I was skeptical of this show. This genre isn’t usually my jam. My convinced me since she knows the younger version of the mom from her high school. I’m hooked! Definitely worth trying the first 2 eps.

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Did a pretty good job of "Modern Gothic", the setting was what I'd imagined from Anne Rice's novel.

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I loved the history. For me the story was all over the place and was annoying to me.

Sinve inception all directors like to have this timelines all over the place, it's not a good way to tell a story. It actually works in very few cases and this, in my opinion isn't one.

Anyway I am going to give this a chance, the premise is too good and Ann Rice deserves it.

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First episode was bad, I'm still gonna watch more though.

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First episode was not bad, definitely made me want to watch more.

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