John Barrowman is in this too?!

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My favourite episode so far. The characters were great and the pacing had improved massively. The ending was amazing, and the overarching plot for this series is forming very well. Also, John Barrowman. The villain played a very small role, but thats fine cause we got more Laurel.

Final Score— 83%

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this is one of the weaker ones definitely not the weakest one in this season

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Worst episode so far. So what if he did end up killing that guy, Laurel? That guy would've ended up doing worse to you. Am I the only one who noticed that it was Peter's left hand that Oliver shot? His right hand was the one that had the bandage on television.

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Another good episode, it's nice seeing Oliver and Laurel somewhat working together and trying to clean up the city in whatever way possible. I also really enjoy Walter and his British manner and how he so clearly cares for the Queen family. I liked that Diggle didn't join Oliver straight away but had to process it, it shows that series isn't afraid to take it's time. this series just keeps delivering so far.

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