Now that's how to do a mid season ending. Agents Of Shield cough cough

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Shout by Jimmy

This was acc kinda a good episode, there were the classic arrow “I don’t need your protection” “it’s my fault” “it’s not your fault” and all that shit that’s in every episode, talking about secrets and stuff. But it was nice to see Oliver stick up to dahrk, propose to felicity, though I remember that the proposal doesn’t last and felicity is gonna go in a wheelchair, everything all right for Oliver and then everything goes to shit which not only did I see a mile away I’m surprised the characters in the show didn’t see either, they made some very dumb decisions in this episode, I’m surprised no ones dead, though it may look as though felicity is dead after that ending. Loved the cheerful Christmas music though as felicity is nearly dying in Oliver’s arms thanks to Damien and it cuts to him spending time with his family.

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Sure let me remotely hack this military drone from my tablet. Give me 30 seconds.

The island's storyline's gone boring, it's not advancing at all.

Would Felicity be the fake death then ? Not sure it's supposed to be this early. That was a great scene though, nice christmas music, and Darhk's family.

Isn't it strange that Darhk lead the attack on Oliver's campaign in the open like this ?

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The ending of this episode made me give it the worst rating I gave Arrow so far.

My guess is that it is a purposely set up misdirection. Bit it doesn't matter if Felicity survives or not. If it was her grave in the previous episode or not.
After all the action, all the fancy events, the opportunities... letting her look dead after such a pathetic attack scene is just weak scripting. Her character deserves better.

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Great episode with horrific ending :(

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They have so much better CGI on The Flash... What the hell is up with that shark scene? :)

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Shout by Mounir

when Oliver swim back u can see the visual effects pfft, and what an ending ! oof

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Shout by Deleted

Why felicity should die right after olive propose her

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Nope. I don't believe Olicity is dead. I just don't believe it. Superb episode though.

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SPOILER ALERT (for some reason the button doesn't seem to be working for me).

There's just no way Felicity's dead. She's not just a popular but like the only lively character on the show. Showing the scene at the grave in the previous events sequence was a purposeful misdirection. It will probably be in the end of the entire season. I kind of have a feeling either Dig or Thea will die, they're trying to give some kind of emotional resolution to the former with his brother and there's definitely something shady going on with the latter. Either way, it's not Felicity. And man I should be relieved because I love her character, but damn do I hate that cheesy romance she's got going on with Oliver.

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Sometimes the best way to teach someone a lesson is not punished him, to punish those who matter most. winter finale cliffhanger

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Shout by Deleted

I don't think she'll die just yet because the grave scene was six months since the start of the first episode of this season and this episode is three months later. Unless the funeral doesn't happen for another three months, but this is TV show time and things tend to happen faster than they do in real life.

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TV rule #1: "Will you marry me?" - "Yes." - Aaaaaand she's dead.

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Only 3 words I can say: What The kcuF?

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Can't wait a whole month for the next episode

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Shout by Marth

Please let Felicity be dead. I'm so done with this boring one-dimensional character.

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oh please please please let felicity die. i am so done with olicity!!

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Shout by Chris

Please let her be dead for real! evil

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I've just seen next episode's promo and it has Ollie's words from the tombstone episode echoing throuout the whole footage. Then, we get to see the tombstone while Ollie says "It's not my fault, it's my responsability" and "I'm gonna kill him". It doesn't mean that it'sher tombstone. I think that's what they want us to think, or at least that Felicity is in serious trouble. Now, there's no pit, but hey, in the previous mid Season finale, Ollie also died at the hands of Ra's al Ghul, so perhaps she is not dead. I don't want to think she's dead, but of boy, it seems to.
Anyway, we'll have to wait until nxt episode to find out. More than a month to speculate with.

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Fucks sake. NOO. Don't want Felicity to die. I don't think it's her in the grave though. They can't possibly be this direct.
Leaving at this ending and now gotta wait till Jan 21st :(

Mid season finale was better than Flash though. Flash didn't really have that impact for a mid season finale.

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Oh boy, what the heck just happened?? You can't kill my bae's bae!!!!!!! Even tho I hardly think that she's the one on that grave

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Shout by Jim222001

The Flash will probably go back in time and save her. I doubt we have seen the last of Felicity. Officer Lance I think is a goner this season though. And probably the one on the tombstone.
Unless it was Felicity on the tombstone which would make sense why Oliver seemed mad at Barry in the tombstone flashforward scene. Could be Oliver wanted Barry to time travel again since he knows he can do that now. And Barry says no.

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