Shout by Vero

I can forgive them one episode to get some closure to the relationship drama. The Flash did it with a musical and Arrow did it with a claustrophobic one. This season has been absolutely perfect. There no episode I didn't like and next one looks as if shit's about to go down and I couldn't be more hyped.

"Honor Thy Fathers". Man, I'm ridiculously excited to see it. I bet that body in that crate has to be Robert, right? The title has to mean something and it would be weird if it's Justin Claybourne's body.

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Shout by Vero

One of the best parts of the episodes Lance saying that the defense attorneys were trying to get their clients out of prison because the DA was a serial killer.

And Oliver keeps a loaded submachine gun under the table, just in case, lol. And Felicity finally admitted she was wrong and that she was a hypocrite. Yeah! That's one of the highlights of the episode.

That ending was great, though. I knew he was gonna find the kid after everything and there were so many hints this episode. I'm not a fan of Oliver being a father storyline, but that kid is totally innocent. I get the vibe that Chase is not gonna hurt him. I mean, he could, he's a freaking psycho, but I don't quite believe it. I can't wait for him to get William in the car while threatening him and listening to "It's a beautiful morning".

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Remember, your name is Matthew unless someone you don't know walks up to you, calls you Willian and says that he's friends with either of your parents. If that happens, bring him home for dinner.

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Please Adrian, kill Felicity. I've had enough of her crap. It's sad because I loved her at first but nowadays... I roll my eyes everytime she speaks.

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I really don’t understand all the hatred towards Felicity lol.

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Why does Rene keep calling people horse? That makes neigh sense!

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Bottled episode to save money

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I really loved this one!

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Shout by Jim222001

If you thought this season needed more Olicity, then this episode is for you. " Woo hoo they got together one time we didn't know about after they broke up!....." They need more of the bad ass villain Prometheus. Too much Olicity crap in this one.

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