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All Episodes 2002 - 2005

  • Ended
  • #<Network:0x00007f7344e2dfd8>
  • 2002-03-17T09:00:00Z
  • 20m
  • 7h 20m (22 episodes)
  • Brian Jameson
  • United Kingdom
  • English
  • BBC Scotland + 1 more, Tattiemoon
  • Children
Balamory is about children in the nursery with Mrs Hoolie learning about everyday life and helping each other along the way.Basically just helping each other out with problems. Season 3 is coming soon and maybe already airing on TV Character Information P.C Plum:The main policeman in the Balamory show.Very cool and relaxed is this fellow. Mrs Hoolie:The teacher for the kids at the nursery always looking out for the children.

253 episodes


Special 1 Seeking Santa

Special 1 Seeking Santa

  • 2002-12-23T09:00:00Z20m

Balamory Seeking Santa - Exclusive episode never seen on TV! It's the day of the nursery Christmas party and Miss Hoolie asks PC Plum to dress up as Santa and bring some Santa wishes for the children. Suzie Sweet promises to 'make the impossible possible' and heads off to the Arctic Circle with Penny. They have a snowy adventure looking for Santa - but how will they be able to bring Santa wishes back to Balamory?


Special 2 Days Out

Special 2 Days Out

  • 2002-12-27T09:00:00Z20m

What's the story in Balamory? Where would you like to go? Join the residents of Balymory as they explore the Island and beyond in their Days Out!


Special 3 Rain or Shine

Special 3 Rain or Shine

  • 2002-12-28T09:00:00Z20m


Special 4 Dancing Party

Special 4 Dancing Party

  • 2002-12-30T09:00:00Z20m

Music and dancing are the order of the day in these three episodes of the popular children's series set on the Island of Mull. In 'Ceilidh', Miss Hoolie decides to hold a ceilidh at the nursery. Suzie Sweet insists on organising it, but soon tires herself out, but luckily Josie is on hand to take over. In 'Disco', Miss Hoolie asks PC Plum to set up a disco for the children - but he doesn't know much about music, so he asks Josie and Spencer for some tips. Finally, in 'Indian Wedding', Penny and Suzie are organising an Indian wedding for their friend, and the children learn some Indian dancing with Josie Jump.

Series Premiere


1x01 Fish Supper

Series Premiere

1x01 Fish Supper

  • 2002-09-02T08:00:00Z20m

Miss Hoolie is holding a fish supper for the children's grandparents. Spencer makes some decorations to jazz up the nursery. Miss Hoolie asks Spencer to make a fishing game, which he does, with some help from Archie, but Spencer forgets to order the fish and chips for Miss Hoolie. Without fish and chips, there wouldn't be a fish supper. Spencer goes to Pocket and Sweet's, but they don't have enough fish. Penny says to try the fish and chip trailer at the pier. The trailer doesn't have enough fish either. Suzie and Spencer go off quickly and buy some fresh fish from the fishermen, and the fish are cooked at the trailer. Spencer brings the fish to the nursery to eat. They are delicious!


1x02 The Power Cut

1x02 The Power Cut

  • 2002-09-03T08:00:00Z20m

This morning, the electricity goes off and nothing works, not even the TV. Archie decides to invent a TV that doesn't need electricity, but it doesn't have any pictures. So Spencer uses some paintings, then tells a story using socks from his washing basket. It is the Three Billy Goats Gruff, and it is so funny!


1x03 I Spy

1x03 I Spy

  • 2002-09-04T08:00:00Z20m

Edie always takes the children to school by bus but today they are all getting bored. Josie Jump and PC Plum try to help to amuse the children by teaching them a game called "I Spy".


1x04 Beach Ball

1x04 Beach Ball

  • 2002-09-05T08:00:00Z20m

The school children are looking forward to josie telling them all about different ways to travel but since she has only been on the ferry she does not have any. Does anyone else have the answer.


1x05 The Missing Scarecrow

1x05 The Missing Scarecrow

  • 2002-09-06T08:00:00Z20m

Sadie notices that the scarecrow is missing from the nursery vegetable patch. It had vanished. Edie asks PC Plum if he could help find the missing scarecrow. PC Plum owned up to breaking the missing scarecrow. He'd mistaken it for a burglar. Edie takes the broken scarecrow to Archie. If anyone could fix it, Archie could. And he does, too, with a little help from all the children.


1x06 Storm in a Nursery

1x06 Storm in a Nursery

  • 2002-09-07T08:00:00Z20m

Edie arrives at the nursery looking for a lifejacket and sounding worried about her sailing trip with PC Plum. Miss Hoolie tries to make Edie feel better by saying how Miss Hoolie loves sailing. It works. Edie goes home all excited and daring to go on PC Plum's boat. Unfortunately, a storm means they have to cancel the boat trip. Edie is fed up and PC Plum sends her along to see Josie, who takes Edie on a pretend sea trip. The children and Miss Hoolie go, too. It is a great, fun day on the ocean waves for Edie after all.


1x07 Walking the Dog

1x07 Walking the Dog

  • 2002-03-17T09:00:00Z20m

Today, Josie Jump is looking after a dog named Ralph. She goes to see Edie McCredie for advice on how to keep the dog amused, but Edie thinks Ralph is a boy. P.C. Plum gives Josie some tips on looking after the dog, and they take it for a walk in the park with some of the nursery children.


1x08 Art Gallery

1x08 Art Gallery

  • 2002-09-09T08:00:00Z20m

The children paint pictures to help cure Penny's hiccups.


1x09 Seals

1x09 Seals

  • 2002-09-12T08:00:00Z20m

Spencer comes this morning with a bag of coloured paper that he doesn't know what to do with. Miss Hoolie tells him to visit Archie, who has ideas of making party hats and a kite tail. In the end, Archie and Spencer make a book. Suzie thinks the book would make a perfect photo album for the children at the nursery, one they could keep to remind them of their seal trip. Penny gives Spencer some cameras. Spencer and the children dash down to the harbour to catch a boat. What a wonderful day they had. And what a wonderful photo album they made.


1x10 Hair Cut

1x10 Hair Cut

  • 2002-09-11T08:00:00Z20m

PC Plum is having trouble keeping his long floppy fringe out of his eyes. He tries out a visor, but his helmet keeps falling off while he's on his bike. Edie suggests some rather undignified solutions, like curlers and a shower cap. P.C. Plum refuses these suggestions, and goes to Archie for advice. Archie realises that P.C. Plum is making excuses, and says that the only solution is to get his hair cut.


1x11 Jungle Story

1x11 Jungle Story

  • 2002-09-12T08:00:00Z20m

Miss Hoolie hopes to take the children into the garden, but it is raining. Josie pops in. Miss Hoolie asks her to tell the children a story about animals. She doesn't know much about animals, so she asks PC Plum. Josie has fun pretending to be a beetle, a sheepdog and a pigeon. PC Plum keeps getting phone calls, so Josie visits Edie McCredie. Edie tells Josie about the jungles of Africa, so Josie comes back and tells the children a fantastic jungle story.


1x12 Feeding the Lambs

1x12 Feeding the Lambs

  • 2002-09-13T08:00:00Z20m

P.C. Plum arrives at the nursery feeling very sleepy, because he has been up most of the night helping the local farmer feed his lambs. P.C. Plum thinks that the children would like to see the lambs, but if he is going to go with them, he will have to be woken up. Edie takes P.C. Plum to see Josie Jump, to see if she can help.


1x13 The Sandcastle

1x13 The Sandcastle

  • 2002-09-13T08:00:00Z20m

Spencer wants to build a sandcastle, but has no bucket and spade, what can he use instead?


1x14 Odd Socks

1x14 Odd Socks

  • 2002-09-16T08:00:00Z20m

Archie's wearing odd socks, and he can't find the other one. He visits his sister and niece. He helps his young niece, Megan, pair her socks.


1x15 Mending a Puncture

1x15 Mending a Puncture

  • 2002-09-17T08:00:00Z20m

PC Plum is really looking forward to umpiring the cricket match, but he has a flat tyre. Who can help him?

1x16 Newborn Baby

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Spencer calls in to tell Miss Hoolie that Tommy Mackenzie's mother has a newborn baby girl. Spencer goes to buy a present from Pocket and Sweet's. He gets caught playing with things on the shelves and ends up buying everything but a present for the new baby. Archie has a great idea. With the children, he makes a beautiful mobile from old coat hangers, string and painted paper plates. Spencer hangs the mobile over Tommy's new baby sister's cot. She seems to love her first present.

1x17 The Lost Voice

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Poor PC Plum has a sore throat. Miss Hoolie makes him some honey and lemon tea. Edie's bus is causing a traffic jam, so PC Plum asks her to move it. Because he'd lost his voice, Edie thinks it is a game. PC Plum tries to write things down but is running out of paper. Josie Jump shows him another way to say what he means. PC Plum gets the hang of it, but then Edie moves her bus anyway. So Josie and PC Plum play charades with the children instead.

1x18 Camping

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Miss Hoolie and PC Plum are planning to take her friends children on a trip.

1x19 Road Signs

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Edie McCredie arrives at the Balamory Nursery complaining about the appearance of strange road signs which have popped up all over Balamory- they have clown faces on them. The clowns have been put there by Archie, but he likes them so much he is oblivious to Edie's pleas for him to take them down. She passes the buck to P.C. Plum. As it happens, P.C. Plum is captivated by the clowns, and helps Archie find a place to display them where they won't cause problems.

1x20 Golf

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After Josie Jump teaches Spencer how to play golf, Miss Hoolie, the children and Spencer make a crazy golf course in the cafe.

1x21 The Sandboat

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Miss Hoolie asks PC Plum to take the children to the beach to collect shells. PC Plum can't make sense of the tidal timetable so Archie suggests they use a sandboat to show when the tide is coming in.

1x22 The Ferry Boat

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It's a play day in Balamory. Archie is looking after a boy called Liam, but Liam is unhappy because he was supposed to spend the day with his cousin Stevie. Stevie has been called way to drive the Balamory ferry. Archie asks Edie for ideas of places to take Liam on a day trip, but she thinks the only solution is to take him on the ferry, so he can see Stevie.

1x23 Ceilidh

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Miss Hoolie thinks she could have a ceilidh. Suzie says she'd organize it all by herself. She gets Penny to do the refreshments and Spencer to fix the band. Then Suzie becomes very tired from dancing. She needs help, so Josie leads the dancing. Later on, Suzie recovers enough to teach the children the Balamory Two-Step.

1x24 Suzie's Muddle

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Suzie Sweet delivers the wrong things, after Penny moves things on the shop shelves.

1x25 Milking Cows

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Archie wants to show the nursery children his latest invention- a milk dispenser. Miss Hoolie says that he should show them where milk comes from in the first place. He knows that Milk comes from cows, so he borrows a model of a cow from Edie McCredie. But he still doesn't know exactly how cows are milked, so he needs to see P.C. Plum.

1x26 Birthday Party

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Today PC Plum is trying to organise a birthday party for Callum, his nephew. Callum is unusual because he never plays with toys- he likes to sit in boxes and pretend they are boats, planes etc. P.C. Plum and Archie make a cardboard rocket as a present for Callum.

1x27 Musical Hamper

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Penny is organizing a picnic lunch. But she needs the hamper to put everything in. She goes to Archie's castle to fetch it. Archie had made it into a musical hamper. It plays a different tune every time you open the lid. When Penny brings it back, there is no sign of the picnic lunch. She calls in PC Plum to find out where it had gone. Suzie solves the mystery. She remembers that she'd sold PC Plum the food for the picnic. PC Plum returns everything, and the children go on a picnic. They eat, drink and play musical statues to the sound of Archie's amazing musical hamper.

1x28 Painting Plates

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Miss Hoolie asks Penny if there's anything in the shop that she could send to her friend in London from Balamory. There is nothing in Pocket and Sweet's shop, but Spencer comes up with the perfect solution.

Spencer has been invited to go swimming, the only problem is he can't swim. Who can help?

1x30 Snake

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Miss Hoolie asks Edie to tell the children a story about an exotic animal from her travels, so she tells a story about a snake.

1x31 Cleaning Teeth

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Spencer comes up with a fantastic routine to make teeth sparkle.

1x32 The Line Dance

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Miss Hoolie asks Josie to teach the children how to line dance. The only problem is who can teach Josie?!

1x33 Kite

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It's a windy day in Balamory & PC Plum wants to go kite flying. The only problem is that the shop has sold out of kites. What will PC Plum do next?

1x34 Teddy Bears Picnic

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Oh, dear! Spencer has lost Philip his teddybear. Will he find him in time for the teddybears picnic?

1x35 Guinea Pig

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Archie is looking after a guinea pig called George. He goes to the shop to buy food for him, but when he returns, George is missing, so he needs to call P.C. Plum.

1x36 Sound Sculpture

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Miss Hoolie performs her nursery song for children in the nursery. Josie finds a key. Who does it belong to?

1x37 Sports Day

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Josie is ill and has asked PC Plum to organise the games for the nursery sports day.

1x38 Sponge Painting

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Spencer wants to do some painting in the garden with the children, but it's too cold. Who can help the children keep warm.

1x39 Dressing Up

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It's dressing up day in Balamory. Miss Hoolie and the children are really looking forward to it. But will PC Plum dress up as a policeman again?

1x40 The lifeboat

  • no air date20m

Spencer is painting a picture for the lifeboat station, but hasn't enough time to finish it. The children help him; but the painting is too big to go on Spencer's cart!

Today Josie buys a gift for Peter, she also gets a sore foot.

Nursery children are to a dance at garden tea party but Edie has used costumes to clean engine, children dance with ribbons.

1x43 Two By Two

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Josie wants to teach the children some animal movements today but she needs some help. Never fear, Edie is at the ready.

1x44 Go Cart

  • no air date20m

Penny is afraid of thunder, so she looks to PC Plum and Archie to try to overcome her fear.

1x45 Thunder

  • no air date20m

Penny is afraid of thunder, so she looks to PC Plum and Archie to try to overcome her fear.

Suzie is supposed to read the children a story, but she is having a very busy day. She asks Penny to collect a story book from Archie's castle. When Penny arrives at the nursery, Suzie isn't there, so Penny asks PC Plum to help find Suzie. PC Plum spots a trail of jelly beans, which lead to Suzie, who is fast asleep in the nursery garden. Suzie then tells the children a story about a slow tortoise and a speedy hare.

1x47 Sound Story

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Edie thinks the children might like to listen to a story tape while they're in her bus. Miss Hoolie lends her a story book she found, and Edie goes to see Josie Jump to use her tape recorder. Josie helps with the story and does lots of funny actions. When Edie listens to the tape, it doesn't seem as good without the actions. She goes to ask Spencer to add some music, but he does more than that - he adds creaks and boings and many other sounds. It sounds great. Edie comes back to the cafe, and Miss Hoolie helps to make the story tape.

1x48 Aeroplane

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Suzie wants to tell the children a story about flying, but she's never flown.

1x49 Dirty Bus

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Josie teaches everyone her cleaning song, but they soon run out of things to clean. Can Edie McCreadie help?

1x50 One Man Band

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Today Spencer is off to the mainland to take part in a music festival.

1x51 Regatta

  • no air date20m

It's Regatta day but all the boats look the same. But Spencer has an idea.

1x52 Pony Ride

  • no air date20m

It's all happening today - spilt paint, missing carrots and a homemade carrot picking machine! What on earth is going on?

1x53 Two by Two

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Today Suzie wants to get rid of some empty boxes from the shop but doesn't know what to do with them. Josie has an idea.

1x54 Obstacle Course

  • no air date20m

Today Suzie wants to get rid of some empty boxes from the shop but doesn't know what to do with them. Josie has an idea.

1x55 Treasure Hunt

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Miss Hoolie asks PC Plum to organise a treasure hunt. But he'll need a map & some treasure. Who can help?

1x56 Garden Competition

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Spencer makes bunting for a garden competition.

1x57 Underwater World

  • no air date20m

Edie is taking the children to Underwater World but the bus won't start. Can Spencer help? Spencer decorates the bus to make it look like Underwater World. Then - the bus is fixed - but it's time to go home.

1x58 Pipe Tree

  • no air date20m

Today Miss Hoolie finds a pile of old pipes in the cupboard. She has no ides what to do with them. Luckily PC Plum & Archie get inspired.

1x59 Halloween

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Today: Halloween party at the nursery.

1x60 Getting Up

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Today we learn Edie isn't very good at getting up in the morning.

1x61 Noisy Hat

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Today in Balmory Archie has made a new invention. It's called a noisy hat, and it makes farm animal noises. Archie and Spencer prepare a farmyard song to sing with the nursery children.

1x62 Basketball

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Today Edie is supposed to referee a basketball match, but she doesn't know anything about basketball. Josie tries to teach her the rules, but she finds them too complicated. As it turns out, Penny Pocket plays basketball, and agrees to referee the game in her place.

1x63 Pantomime

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A pantomime for the children in Balamory Hall. Miss Hoolie takes the role of Cinderella, with Edie as Prince Charming. Archie and PC Plum put in star turns as the Ugly Sisters, Spencer is Buttons, and Josie is Dandini. Finally, Suzie and Penny put in an appearance as the two Fairy Godmothers.


1x64 football

1x64 football

  • 2002-11-05T09:00:00Z20m

Season Premiere


2x01 The Lost Letter

Season Premiere

2x01 The Lost Letter

  • 2003-04-07T08:00:00Z20m

2x06 Fun Run

  • no air date20m

2x10 Bunfest

  • no air date20m

2x13 Litter Bug

  • no air date20m

There's a litter bug in Balamory. PC Plum and friends set out to find the culprit.

2x15 Snow

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2x16 Shops

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PC Plum tries to solve the mystery of the strange voice in the night which is keeping everyone awake.

2x19 Bubbles

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2x21 Bassoon

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2x22 Kitten

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2x23 Jennifer

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2x25 Gardening

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2x26 Disco

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2x27 Busy Cafe

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2x29 Washing

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2x31 Sneeze

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2x34 Exercise

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2x40 Sheepdog

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2x41 Leaves

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2x43 Fun Fair

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2x45 Magic

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2x46 Buddies

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Archie makes an x-ray machine for the children to use when they are playing doctors & nurses.

2x54 Tasty

  • no air date20m

2x61 Jungle

  • no air date20m

2x62 Sailing

  • no air date20m


2x63 The Snowflake Fairy

2x63 The Snowflake Fairy

  • 2003-07-02T08:00:00Z20m

Season Premiere


3x01 Oh Dear

Season Premiere

3x01 Oh Dear

  • 2004-09-20T08:00:00Z20m

3x06 Sausages

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3x08 Ballet

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3x14 Broken Down Bus

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PC Plum is really looking forward to umpiring the cricket match, but he has a flat tyre. Who can help him?

3x20 Boat Race

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3x22 Skiing

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3x29 Hub Caps

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3x30 Anansi

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3x31 The Fiddle Player

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Today, the famous fiddle player Shiona Docherty comes to visit Miss Hoolie. Shiona and Spencer give the nursery children a concert.

3x35 3x35

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3x44 Bedtime

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3x48 Guide Dog

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3x49 Counting

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3x51 The Stick Up

  • no air date20m

It's Sports Day at the Balamory Nursery. When Suzzie’s money sticks to PC Plum, it inspires Penny for games the children can play.

3x54 Blossom

  • no air date20m


3x56 Spooks

3x56 Spooks

  • 2004-12-14T09:00:00Z20m

Season Premiere


4x01 Woodwork

Season Premiere

4x01 Woodwork

  • 2005-04-04T08:00:00Z20m

4x11 Hot Sun

  • no air date20m

4x13 Mix Up

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4x18 The Prize

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4x27 Slippy

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4x29 Signing

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4x36 Hello Day

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4x37 Harvest

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4x39 Bonjour

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4x45 Snap

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4x46 Shadows

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4x47 How Far

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4x54 The Map

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4x59 The Piano

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4x61 Carnival

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4x62 Otters

  • no air date20m


4x66 The Game Show

4x66 The Game Show

  • 2005-06-24T08:00:00Z20m
