Shouts about...

Barkskins 2020

Written by Elwood Reed (he did the U.S. version of The Bridge), sprawling world, a bunch of characters, beautiful location shooting—I should really dig this show. I do like it, I think, I'll watch a Season 2 if there is one. I have to say, however, there are some language and accent issues in this show that really bug me. These just-off-the-boat French immigrants aren't speaking French! The actors aren't French (or French Canadian) and their accents are just atrocious. A huge dynamic in the show is the conflict between the French, English, and Native peoples in New France, and when it's hard to tell the French and English apart (it is), that's a story problem. This is 2020, a Polish film has been the most popular thing on Netflix in the U.S. over the past month, Barkskins shouldn't be afraid of some subtitles.

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