Couple of things I don't understand:

Why design a propulsion system that needs one of the rarest ores in the universe to run ?
How do I pull G's in Space ?
Why do I need huge amounts of force to work Viper controlls ?

Those to me seem to be just plot conviniences to make everything work. Story itself was good, though. Aside from the Boomer/Helo part which goes nowhere but sideway. Loved the moments between father and son. More of that, please.

And I guess we can call Baltar officially insane now that he sees himself as an instrument of God ?

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Wtf what that BS with that pedal 6G crap? Doesnt those guys suppose to have like boosters or something? I mean, they are flying in the fockin space, dammit, you expect us to believe that they are pulling cables or something to fly those things? Maybe they also have carburetors in those vipers?

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