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Billions: Season 6

6x08 The Big Ugly

Laughable... I mean, this IS supposed to be happening in the real world. Yet, we see the IOC, which can't be named because of legal reasons, one of the most corrupt and under-the-table institutions in the world, being portrayed as what? Honourable? Clean? Please... Also - really - THIS is how a city would lose the Olympic Games? Again - laughable. And finally - really (v. 2) - Rapinoe? Just gonna stop here and save myself the time. A sad ending for a show that was, up until recently, entertaining.

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This is the episode I enjoyed the most this season, to be fair. Not sure how I feel about Megan Rapinoe, though.

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Ok, another episode/season filler. ====The games were how many episodes in the build up yet taken away within one with underhand dealings by Chuck the way the law was upheld?

How is this great crusade of his even a thing other than the whip in which to beat himself as he no longer partakes in his fetishes?====

Truly bored now this show was carried by the dynamic with Axe and Chuck was a worthy foe. Now I’m just waiting for Corey Stoll to done the hair piece and break out in song…

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The second they bring up that loud mouth pink haired female football/soccer player for a scene to tell her how great she is you once again realize that the woke brigade took over.

In world it's one more reason to dislike the Prince crowd and hope Chuck brings them down.
Maybe that's the point, they always counter their own narrative for some reason.

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