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Black Lightning 2018

I have this question about black lightning costume. How on Earth could not recognize him as Jefferson, the school pricipal?

The face mask he wears doesn't prevent him from been recognized, or maybe the directors are just trying to make us look like kids.

I think this is an issue I don't seem to understand about the whole thing.

The series is good to watch and all that. but just the costume doesn't fit.

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never enjoyed it as much as the other CW hero shows would of been good with more crossover black Lighting appeared in the flash once

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if everything goes according to plan and there are no more significant setbacks, fans everywhere can mark their calendars for January 2021 to kick off their new year with Black Lightning season 4.

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I'm loving the show so far.

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Black superhero show that has at times a few things that are too ridiculous but especially the first few seasons are good

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This show really was a mixed bag for me. It had some great moments, but also some really bland ones. The acting was all over the place, the dialogues as well. Cress Williams was amazing. I gotta say though, the highlight for me was Marvin "Krondon" Jones III as Tobias Whale. What an amazing villain, some really great lines - he basically carried the whole show in my opinion.

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Shout by Dom

Show was good but season 4 was ruined when actress left and got replaced and show was ruined when it got canceled for spin off and spin off got canceled before it even began

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“Where is the future?
Right here.

Whose life is this?

What are you going to do with it?
Live it, by any means necessary.”

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yes you have to suspend your disbelief as you do with all the Arrowverse shows, the only difference is the characters here are real people who you can’t help but love and root for.

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Excellent show. Mutt son loves it.

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Could be a lot better, had the source material to achieve great things. Yet didn't.

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Once you get past the CW cover this is actually a fun show with some very interesting high concept ideas. Also Jennifer always have dope music playing.

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This show is incredible! Such a bold difference from all of the superhero shows available, with heart and a focus on family. Cress Williams is amazing , and the series as a whole is very thematically relevant and exciting!

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My favorite series in arrowheads.Talks politics at the necessary scenes.Hero who has a dark background and struggling with his real life and masked life.Family,community and a lot of emotions.This series is so special in many ways

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Jen character is so annoying lord have mercy somebody need to whoop her ass.

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The show would be actually good if they would have managed to kill Jennifer Pierce (the stupid daughter) and his wife Lynn in Season 2. Both bring this show down and belong on the "Worst Actors in History" List

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Shout by Deleted
BlockedParent2018-04-04T14:05:54Z— updated 2018-04-18T21:59:56Z

everytime politics enter a superhero show im out. just that easy for me. I don't care a hero or villain or whatever is White, Black, Green or a blob.... gay, trans whatever. if it's not punched obvious in your face, I really dont care, shouldnt it be that way?

it has the same issues like supergirl, focus on political correctness, quote gay here, black there, and ignore a good Story. damn. sure those Shows get good critics, but actually just lame.

I think most people outside the US wonder what the fuzz is all about.

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Am now on season 2 and really battling to carry on. Nothing grabbing me to keep watching anymore. The 2 sisters are the worst for me with the drama and poor acting performance. Such a pity as this could have been great. Some of the cast are actually great but this show I think reduced their talent and potential.

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This TV show is simply excruciatingly boring, and crappy, even though it as some quality production. I rarely been so annoyed with melodrama stuff, bad acting, bad story, ridiculous fx/cgi. It's just bad.

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What a dreadful show. So sad for this entire Arrowverse that is mediocre at best. How its made it three seasons is as bizarre as it's typecasting and use of constant stereotypical racism.

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Is it rough on the edges?
Is it high on teenage drama like other cw series?
Not yet.
Even that alone is saying something.

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I really want this show to work but so far I just can’t seem to get in to it. It’s really sad because I was hoping this would be another DC Comics hit show. The main thing I’m struggling with is that they all live in a posh area with private school yet all they encounter is gang bangers from the ghettos that seem to live down the street from them. How is that even possible? I grow up in a shit hole town & let me tell you, none of our schools or the kids that went there were like what they show here. I wish the director did a better job.

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By Reading These comments I'm glad Ppl see this show for garbage that it is

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I quickly lost interest after a few episodes.

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There are simply too many things that do not work for this show. I don't know what this show is trying to be. Luke Cage? Gotham but less silly and over the top? Amazing Spiderman 2? xD
The dialogue is often sloppy (even more than on an average CW DC show) pacing is horrible and subtlety is hard to find. As far as I can tell, this is not an intentional, dark comedic Gotham way, but in a (depending on who you ask, more) terrible way. Also the acting is of inconsistent nature, but the actors don't have much to work with anyway.

One of the few things that is working for this show is the music. I am not a hip-hop or rap fan, far from it, but even so the music was what I enjoyed most of all in the first season.

My standards for the CW DC shows are not high, they have their (big) flaws but ' Black Lightning' fails just at too many aspects and was simply a drag to get through.

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Shout by Deleted

it don't watch the 2 second, it's just to boring. Well those netflix marvel shows, except daredevil, are boring and annoying as well. didn't watch any second season of those :)

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yes you have to suspend your disbelief as you do with all the Arrowverse shows, the only difference is the characters here are real people who you can’t help but love and root for.

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yes you have to suspend your disbelief as you do with all the Arrowverse shows, the only difference is the characters here are real people who you can’t help but love and root for.

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yes you have to suspend your disbelief as you do with all the Arrowverse shows, the only difference is the characters here are real people who you can’t help but love and root for.

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yes you have to suspend your disbelief as you do with all the Arrowverse shows, the only difference is the characters here are real people who you can’t help but love and root for.

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great and good to see african americans being able to prove thier worth

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The people saying politics or the lesbian relationship is what's bringing down the show are truly ignorant; I have no words. Superhero comics, films and tv shows regularly deal with social issues... No, what makes this show bad is the writing and the over the top lifetime movie drama. They really had an opportunity to do something great with this hero. Another CW superhero show I'm going to have to drop. Shame.

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Unlike most of the other CW superhero shows, Black Lightning is complete garbage. Who ever wrote this trash should quit. WAY to many 'black issues' that wasn't written even slightly in a way that would make anyone "care". I applaud shows that do delve into these social issues, but this was just awful. The writer should just quit while he is ahead. I don't know how this trash has been on air for 3 seasons. Don't even get me started about the acting. That is if you could even call that acting. The show should really be scrapped and maybe try again with an entire new cast.

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unlike most of the other CW superhero shows, Black Lightning isn't overblown with soap opera type storylines. yes, there is some family drama thrown in, but that's to be expected with the main character being a family man, but it's not overdone. good first episode and if this keeps up, i think we have a winner. i also have to mention his costume, which looks awesome by the way

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This show is beyond terrible. I don’t understand how this crap got renewed...let’s throw good money at bad money. This show has so much potential but it seems like the creators decided to go to a high school, find a bunch of film students, said here’s some money...make us a show. So they got together & gave us this crap. Terrible writing, horrible casting, poor acting, stupid dialogue, and bad special effects. Even worst the writers thought throwing in every black stereotype was a great’s nothing more than insulting.

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So many angry characters, even when they aren't doing their superhero work. The main hero does keep his cool most of the time and is a better role model in his regular job. Everyone else just seem to be pissed because the day of the week ends in "y."

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Wow really grasping at straws for desperation looking for a black superhero. That's what this really seems like, just like the Black Panther although I had high hopes for it. It was full of cliche's, lousy acting and a crappy story. Seems the same is happening here.

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The 70s called, they want their "blackploitation" back...

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Really hard to believe that this show has made it to a third season.

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Make it stop already!! Season four and no more!!

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I really couldn't get passed the first 2 episodes, the show plays to every racial stereotype it was embarrassing. Black Lightning in Young Justice is written better. The childrens show Static Shock tackles social issues way better than Black Lightning can.

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