Love that the show's seriousness is leavened with (mostly) organic humor, sometimes of the self-aware kind, as when Anissa is considering her costume:

Ominous music as she looks through her closet, frowns, and then opens the room's door. Ominous music pauses

Anissa: “Jennifer did you take my hoodie?”
Jennifer: “...No.”

Closes door. Ominous music resumes

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Well damn, that was pretty underwhelming, from the daughter picking out costumes in a retail store to black lightning being an idiot who doesn't know what he's doing. I mean the guy's supposed to have been around for a while, and just does the steriotypical "I'll just walk over to people with a crappy plan knowing I'm having issues", and not actually make any changes to his strategy. Even the old guy keeping all this info to himself is pretty dumb, I dunno I'm really trying to get into this show, but it's just so damned ingenuine and the "problems" seem so manufactured

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i give a chance a this show ,but really this show is so god damn bad,i going to stopt with this suffering,ppl what do think about this tv show ? for me is bad AF sorry i need to say it. :D

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This must be the most pathetic superhero ever.

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