I'm trying to like this show here.... I really am, please just try to make it a little easier for me! All of these stupid forced situations, all of these terrible plot points, all of these political protest points, just give it a break for the love of TV's sake. They're trying so hard to force situations that they're undermining the entire show's premise. Please give any of the characters a little believability, a little bit of tactical thinking, a little bit of credibility so that we can root for them! As it stands no character is any good, and that fight between father and daughter could have been solved by a simple "who are you, I'm just here to help!". Honestly during that scene after nobody said anything and they both just default attacked each other my first thought was "well damn, you are both so dumb I really don't care what you do". This is so dumb that it's hurting the future of the show. Please, I love super hero shows, but this is suffering from some serious lazy writing, even more than most and I hate to admit it, but that is saying something.

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Shout by anthoney65
BlockedParent2020-04-09T15:11:07Z— updated 2020-04-11T18:54:35Z

I thought this was the first excellent episode of season one.

For those complaining about them not recognizing each other, REALLY? That is the big suspension of disbelieve that is require by all hero shows. All of the heroes on TV are easily recognizable except in comic book land. If you have an issue with it then the only superhero show in the last 20 years you should watch is Heroes.

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That's it, I'm out. I can't stand all the political bs, the crappy plot line and the bad acting.

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Your grandpa got killed for his research, your mom doesn't typically have her lab broken into, you bring your grandpa's work into your mom's lab, and then all of a sudden there's a break-in and it never occurs to you that maybe those two instances are connected in some way? And you think you're ready to be a superhero? Come on now. This show is a joke and it's honestly socially irresponsible.

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Daughter doesn't recognize father because of transparent glasses. Father doesn't recognize daughter because of a yellow makeup. Writers must have been spent days thinking about this brilliant scenario. This is the last episode i watched.

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WTF did I just watch. Here I thought it can’t get worst...then put up the farther daughter fight scene. So dumb. I’m out. Can’t watch this crap anymore.

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