Part 1: Supergirl, S05E09
Part 2: Batwoman, S01E09
Black Lightning, S03E09
Part 3: The Flash, S06E09
Part 4: Arrow, S08E08
Part 5: DC's Legends of Tomorrow, S05E01

It would be nice if we had this legend on each of the crossover episodes.

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Dammit... This is my favorite show but that was straight up cheeseball bullshit.

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As soon as I saw Earth-2 I knew this would be hard work to watch. It's a sign of unoriginality - people phasing in and out, bad versus good versions, a good person getting called in one world, extended monologues . Yawn.

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Alright, so I don't watch any of the other DC shows, but I really wanted to get the conclusion to this episode.

So as far as I can tell, Supergirl s05e09 and Batwoman s01e09 is chronologically before this episode of Black Lightning. Then after this episode of Black Lightning comes The Flash s06e09, Arrow s08e08 and at last, Legends of Tomorrow s05e01.

Took me forever to find out, so hopefully this helps someone else!

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Very poor episode. Did not enjoy it

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Nobody else is creeped out by the news segment that appeared after the intro? This is literally three months before the lockdown lol.

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This show is hard enough to watch as is, but that episode sucked, and it doesn't make much sense for this show to be trying to have a part in all the DC shows "Crisis" crossover when it isn't even part of the crossover, yet Black Lightning as far as can tell at this point shows up in the crossover. But I had to watch this episode to find out before I continued with the "Crisis" crossover.

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