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Blindspot: Season 5

5x08 Ghost Train

Given how Patterson clearly knows those bunker tunnels better than anyone and has clearly planned a series of discovery contingencies, I have to wonder if her sad "I'm sorry"s through the closed-door window were about having failed everyone (as it seemed to suggest) or about having to leave everyone behind and captured while she slipped out yet another way from under all that fiery doom. Wishful thinking, perhaps, especially near the end of the series when writers are most likely to give some characters heroic ends, but... maybe...

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Tasha gets points for knocking the smirk off Madeline’s face at least.

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it's so bad! But I need to get to the ending. So just skipping over all parts with Madeline at least makes it go faster. Terrible season.

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Shout by Marcus

Generic TV Show 101: Kill off a main character on the show's final run for emotional effect. I was kind of sad with Pattersson's death, after all she (and Rich) are the reason this show kept on being half-watchable, I guess it's bold of them to kill their Deus Ex Machina, as our dear William was basically the answer to each of their problems throughout every episode and seemed to know everything about everything (except social skills) - I wouldn't be surprised if she's still alive, but I wouldn't be if she's really dead as well.

Zapata breaking Madeline's composture just a tiny bit was satisfying, what a terrible character, I hate evil-for-the-sake-of-evil villains but I actually was impressed by how little baggage they gave to Madeline's actions and she seems to truly be just pure greediness. also her son is dumb as fuck how do you make a call betraying the head of USA's security through a call while inside the FBI's building?

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I FREAKIN' KNEW IT! Ahh, I really did think that Boston would have teamed up with Keaton and Allie, since they needed someone with the hacking skills that neither or them had. It's just unfortunate that Keaton couldn't do anything since his family was being put in danger

But also... Why would the Czech police be speaking in English? Shouldn't they at least have started their announcement in Czech?

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