Shout by Deleted

soo meta episode about guns, feminism

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I'm on BoJack's side here. His mother doesn't deserve his time because of how dogshit she was to him.

Guess we gotta see where this goes.

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Nothing succeeds more in turning my good mood - stemming from putting a new episode of BoJack on - into tears and depression.

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A solid episode.

The BoJack, Hollyhock, and Beatrice segments are really bittersweet. Although I'm not entirely sure what her sudden reaction was all about, I still felt the distress in that situation.

Diane's segment was amusing, if not terrifying. I'm scared of how happy she felt after firing that gun, but I can understand her justification for having one. Although, when she interacted with Mr. Peanutbutter, they weirded me out again.

PC and Lenny Turteltaub handled a very sensitive topic. Yet, I think it works because it pokes fun at the movies that glorify gun violence while somebody promotes gun ownership simultaneously in a serious/non-serious way. The outcome of it all made me smile.

It's great. Most of it works for me, and it's pretty funny.


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It already says something that a show like this one had to wait so long before even taking on the subjects of guns. Well, seen from the outside the relationship of US with guns is just clinically insane, so the criticism here seemed kinda mild (but mostly because it barely felt parodic seeing how much the reality of the situation is stupid). Though I guess it was violent enough for some boycotting there.

Crazy also how just the term "Thoughts and prayers" is enough now to evoke so much disbelief/defeatism/sarcasm/bigotry.

The visits to Bojack's mother are interesting. Hollyhock only sees a sick old woman,but Bojack still sees the monster that ruined a lot of his life. Being sick does not erase a lifetime of abuse, even if it seems like she actually watched his show.

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It's Bridget Jones with just slightly more bloody murdering.

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Best Bojack Horseman episode so far

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