So tired of the Nikolaj plot line. It isn't interesting or funny (well Nikolaj pronouncing his name correctly was minimally amusing). It's just annoying. The kid is fine, but Boyle and Peralta are both so annoying every single time Nikolaj comes up.

Also, the crossover was pointless and dumb. I love Zooey Deschanel, but this was a rubbish crossover.

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Nikolaj is not pronounced like that. the "j" is an i/y sound. the "k" is a k and not a "h"

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Shout by dgw

That is a hatchback, not a crossover SUV.

Two of the most popular B99 meme formats came from this episode, but other than those it's nothing to write home about. Certainly the "crossover" aspect is overhyped at best.

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Shout by meets8

This episode is a crossover of new girl, veep and B99; after coach we got jess!! I liked the way the connected 2 worlds! I watched New Girl and i love how both the episodes turned out great!

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I obviously don’t know how police precincts work in the United States, but does this mean that there is also a Captain for the night shift? That doesn’t make a ton of sense.

Also, do I need to watch the New Girl crossover episode?

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You call this a cross over it was only a god dam scene !!!!!

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Crossover could have been better. Especially as they are two of the best shows on TV

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I thought I would like the B99 version of the crossover better.. we didn't see Jess with Gina and Holt. I also wish Jess had a scene with Rosa, I think that would be awesome. This episode was a drag.

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This is possibly the lamest crossover ever. There was so little I'm not even sure why they advertised it.

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They should've explored the crossover a little bit more. But it was a funny episode though.

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Honestly, Holt never fails to crack me up and this episode was no different!

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