Honestly, Gina was the one part of the show, that I very rarely enjoy and got on my nerves very regularly. So this one kinda suffers from her return.

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I haven't missed Gina one bit!! For me she ruins the show....

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"My cousin Susan didn't realize she could sing until her 40s!" I don't know I thought this was so funny, but I did, ahahaha.

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Probably the least entertaining episode of the series so far, for me.

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Gina is such a one trick pony. I'm glad that she rarely appears anymore.

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I love Gina, although I didn't feel her as she was in this chapter.

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This one it’s still alive ???
No one want damm Gina or how the hell is her name back :rage::rage::rage:

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Rosa's ragefaces at the end are great X-D

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You get now why Gina is so hated?

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This was a really weak episode, unfortunately. Gina in small doses in the previous seasons could be great for a quick hilarious one liner/insult. But this was way too much from the jump. The writing on all plot points was a mess as well. I hope this isn't the start of a trend because then if more of these episodes are made, this show should end.

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This might of been the worst episode of the whole series.

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I haven't laughed like this in a long time, the episode is filled with memorable and GIF-worthy quotes. I completely lost it with the Gina-mandments. From the cold open, to the stabbing, resulting on her being high, Gina must be protected at all costs!

However, since this episode was undoubtedly promoted based on her return, the other two sub plots turn out to be completely disconnected from the main one. She is finally back, and Jake and Terry are the only two around to see her? Feels... insufficient.

I think Gina has always been an essencial part of this show's DNA, I really don't get the hate that she gets.

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Yeah, this was not a good episode. I like Gina in small doses, but she was super annoying here. Also, I could see from a mile away that Nikolaj was just doodling on the whiteboard, so that storyline wouldn't go anywhere relevant. The Rosa subplot felt kind of unnecessary. And crucially, there were very few laughs (shout out to "This is more insane than the crowd at the Carly Rae Jepson - I mean Slayer - concert").

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Yes. Children are wonders. - R. Holt

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Best, funniest and awesomest episode since "The Crime Scene." Ahsdjfhh, I missed Gina. Seeing her again made me realize it hasn't been the same without her. I wish she'd stay for the rest of the season. :pleading_face: Also, Rosa has been looking 10/10 this entire season. Hot damn!

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