Shout by dgw

Great except for the B-plot about personal-item clutter in the precinct. In any believable universe, everyone would have been asked simply to take home their excess belongings, rather than being forced to throw away or incinerate them at the office.

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Fuck, I almost spit out all my drink from laughing so hard at the last scene. Six seasons in and this show never stops making you laugh, it's unbelievable. ouch the barrel museum! After 6 seasons they're still pulling out highlights like that and Holt's "flirting" with the spy xD.

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Amy casually mentioning Marie Kondo, I love this!

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It's not the biggest thing, but: it warms my cockles that Dirk Blocker and Joel McKinnon Miller have their own card in the opening credits this season.

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this show is what I want in my workplace!! why can't we have more captain Holt's and less of actually selfish uptight ass-wipes. every boss watching take notes!!

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That came out weird
Title of your sex tape

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Amy so deserved that museum treat after her efforts at the precinct. Awn! She’s the sweetest. JAKE IS A GIVER! And dammit Nine-Nine, stop bringing in awesome guest stars that we only have for one episode only. …unless we don’t? Fingers crossed. THIS SEASON IS LIT!

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