I was hesitant when I saw the rating on here and then after watching read the comments and realized it’s a bunch of people upset because they somehow think this is out of character for the show to address. This was a great opener and as always I love how B99 addresses important topics while still maintaining comedy (and knowing when to have the comedic moments!).

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It is funny that the whole Terry x Boyle interaction was to point out when someone goes over the top to signal how supportive they are of a cause. Then the whole episode did just that.
I know they shelved the show for a while to decide how best to approach the issues of police brutality but this just felt like everything was crammed in and came off as cringey.
The Amy x Chief conversation was the best part.

P.s. I can say with 100% certainty though that if they didn't address these issues in some fashion then there would be out cries. Hard to please everyone but definitely could have handled it better.

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Whatever your political views on this topic, a really poor take and way to tackle it.

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I'm so not ready for the final season :(((. Anyway, this was great as always! A bit cringey, but would be what people expected after all that happens. So many things has happened to :( reminding me that this is the last season so things would likely move fast.

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I admit I was a little floored when I saw the subjects touched as I didn't expect them to be dealt with in 99, but as it was getting on I really appreciated the way it was done: delicately and with the show's usual humour, in this case even in dealing with these serious stuff.
There are different ways of facing society's problems, and talking about them even in a lighter way (as for a comedy, rather than a drama) is always a nice start.
I love how for some there are certain topics so touchy that just have to be ignored or that make anyone who talks about them "woke". Some of you Americans are weird

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"Two wrongs make a white" Seriously? Brooklyn Nine-Nine is a comedy series. No one watches a series for it to be woke garbage. I'll give it a chance but If I'm getting politics thrown at my face 24/7 I won't finish this series.

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Shout by ds1
BlockedParent2021-08-14T11:40:18Z— updated 2021-08-28T05:47:39Z

That was a heavily loaded episode. But the writers already said loong beforehand they'd include these topics/are contemplating on how to deal with writing a cop show in these times, so no surprise there. They did a good job, especially not ending on a joke, even if the second episode sets itself free from the context of the precinct to be "fun" again even if it might be for just one episode. It's foremost a comedy after all and making fun inside the precinct is going to be difficult in this last season, given what's going on currently in this world. Completely ignoring it, in quite a diverse cop show no less that never shied away from addressing issues, would be irresponsible. Personally, I am looking forward how - if at all - they are going to deal with what this first episode set in motion in this challenging last season. This show never shied away from addressing the elephant in the room, never too subtle either. But now it's a problem for some?

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While these subjects are important, I feel like it's not this show's job to address them, at least not in this way. This is a comedy show; people watch it to have fun and relax, not end up depressed about the state of society...

And after watching the second episode, it seems pretty clear they did it just so they can say they addressed it. Total change of subject and back to the good old Brooklyn Nine-Nine, which I suppose is good, but it makes this episode even worse in retrospect...

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I'd always assumed the "anti-woke" and covidiots wouldn't be watching this show, but seems not..

Doesn't deserve a 10, but it's getting one to balance out their stupidly low grades. 8/10

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A poor start to the new season. Not because of the topic, but because they just didn't do it in a way that made for a good episode. In the past they've covered similar topics of race and sexuality with Rosa, Terry and Holt, and every one of those episodes just felt better to watch, and like they face the issue they were talking about, better than this one.
It is also not helped by how other US cop shows like The Rookie have already faced this issue and done a much better job of it.

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Fuck the politics in this episode and the shitty feeling I’m left with. Goddamnit I just want to have a laugh.

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Somebody cranked up the woke meter in between season 7 and the start of season 8. I think Boyle actually covered 6 woke topics in two sentences at one point! It seems hypocritical for a cop series that has made a lot of money for the writers, actors and everybody involved to be so completely against the police all of a sudden. Brutal. I guess they have picked their audience now. I don't need to be preached to when I turn on a comedy show. I can watch the news for that!

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There was only one LOL funny moment ("To black trans women a thousand dollars!"). The dialogue felt like tweets and editorials than real people talking.

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It really feels like the show was written and directed by different people than before. Pacing was all over the place and most of the jokes weren't even remotely funny.

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Uh... wow. I knew beforehand that they were going to... address things, for lack of a better term, but boy does it make for a distinctly unfunny episode of a comedy show. Maybe they should've canceled the show instead.

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Show is no longer a comedy, but a 30 minute woke sermon.

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Unsurprisingly certain people are crying its too political its a too serious subject. have y'all not been paying attention they have always been taking on serious subjects and doing it with humor mixed in.. nothing new some people just can't stand that its a subject they don't wanna deal with or something that doesn't share their own view on the world...

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The death of a great tv show. Inevitable, but still painful and unexpected. Watched the first 7 seasons on repeat a dozen times, guess I’ll stick to the first 7 seasons. Perhaps season 8 can redeem itself, but ep1 isn’t giving me much hope, if any.

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Wow, so that was a trainwreck... I'm out. This show used to be good. It's not even funny anymore.

You people should try getting into Anime (Japanese animation). There are some really great hilarious ones (among other genres), and they're not Woke.

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Has this show always been this fast paced? It felt like I was watching it at 2x speed. Ok episode, I like Jake abs Rosa’s friendship and it’s nice that a show about police isn’t ignoring everything going on in the world at the moment. Excited to see Jake and Amy’s kid.

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I thought this was never going to happen

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terrible preachy episode, get woke go broke

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An attempt to go woke which didn't really work well. Of all episodes, I gave this one the lowest rating.

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Well, this is the one of the worst episodes I watched. And I watched Witcher

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The whole point of this episode was to raise awareness and prove... a point? but they did it the Jake way by overdoing it. Still had its classic moments which I missed about this show

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ironie on
ah yes, that is just what my evening-escapism needed, more of the same problems we face all day long: corona and divisive political issues!
ironie off
no wonder everyone is depressed these days. there is just no escape anymore. i dont have a problem with some jokes about political issues etc but why does it has to be the main topic everywhere? why does everything has to be preachy? why has everything to end in a depressing narrative about how f*cked the world is?
this was a light-hearted comedyshow. what are the writers thinking? that they are helping by raising awarness? we here about these topics all day long!
i want to have fun and enjoy myself for just an hour in the evening. i loved this show. i wont finish this season.

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ruined it with covid crap

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This show used to be a comedy. I'll continue only for the sake of seeing the finale.

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What did 99 become? Another forced episode. The narrative was not natural, and when it is not natural it becomes worthless.

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Wow so many crybabies around here, if you’re so pressed about this episode maybe you should go back to your privileged cave where you’re clearly have been hiding out from the world

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Shout by Khawlah

I was so thrilled and excited to have B99 back in my life... then the episode started. This show has become too woke for its own good. Let's hope the cringe AF writing was all crammed in the premiere so they get it out of the way and move on politics free for the rest of the season.:fingers_crossed:

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thank you for opening the finale season like this.

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i forgot how adhd this show was, especially peralta, you can't rest for a moment

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