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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Season 8

8x05 PB&J

Quite possibly the cutest episode of a show that has many cute episodes.

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Slurp slurp comment must be 5 words!

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To see this episode after visiting Amsterdam last Saturday for the first time and tasting stroopwafels.... I'm gonna eat some right now.

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Unpopular opinion here but I certainly won’t miss Doug annoying Judy, his episodes were the worse.

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Oh wow, I was eating a stroopwafel while watching this! (ok, more than one)

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Shout by JasperKazai
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-12-03T01:07:10Z— updated 2021-12-04T22:42:56Z

Craig Robinson was always the best guest star on this show. Too bad they really bungled his last outing here. He "went straight" last time, they should've kept it that way and had him inform on some old accomplice or something, instead of being a fugitive.

This has a very good episode thumbnail, though.

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This is the last season, why would the writers put Doug Judy through this? AGAIN! For the past 7 years it’s been about Jake and Doug working on getting him legit, and on the very last episodes they wanna send him back to jail? There could’ve been many possibilities for that car ride, one that didn’t include making him a fugitive. But I’m happy he got away! Also too bad we didn’t meet his wife.

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STROOPWAFELS! Now I'm hungry.

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A disappointment of an episode on a disappointment of a season. How the writers have screwed up even a Doug Judy episode is mind blowing. Everything is so forced in the episode.

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I always love the Doug Judy episodes

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even though the story felt kind of forced, this is the best episode so far! going to miss pb&j. loving the car jamming session, it gave me a strong lonely island vibe

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FFS, now I have to go to the store and buy some damn Stroopwafels.

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