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Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Season 7

A disappointing conclusion to a groundbreaking television series, Season 7 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer recons itself to the point that it becomes almost unrecognizable. Though a lot of the episodes are fun and action-packed, the story arc that they build is unsatisfying. This season the creator of evil, the First, attempts to open the Hellmouth and end the Slayer line, forcing Buffy to round up the potential Slayers and make a final stand. Unfortunately the First proves to be a rather ineffective villain and unequal to the epic struggle between good and evil that’s set up. And Buffy is out of character this season, functioning more as a feminist/heroine archetype than a character. But while the characters suffer, the series continues to deliver incredibly thrilling and exciting action. Full of plot holes and inconsistencies, the seventh season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a messy and convoluted end to a once great television series.

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The first part of the last season of "Buffy" is very good. Until "Bring on the Night" (No. 10), which is just stupid (and I really can't begin to imagine what got into Joss Whedon when he decided to do that episode!). After that episode it gets better again and the last episode is especially great!

So I think that means "Good Bye, Buffy"! ... and thanks for all the monster slaying fun!!!

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