Would you like one scoop or two?

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What a most perfect Annie! Great first episode.

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anyone up for a nice scoop of ice cream?

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[Season Two - Initial Impression] My mother was fascinated by Stephen King's books. Mom once said that she thought King would have gone insane if he didn't exorcise his imagination by consigning his terrors to print. Most of the works Mom liked scared me half to death so I was very particular when choosing which film adaptations I can watch. But when J. J. Abrams and Stephen King team up, I'm all in (even if I have to watch some of it through my fingers). This second season gives us that unique blend of fascination and terror, combined with great acting and that homespun feeling of Maine. I give this second season an 8 (great) out of 10. [Fantastic Thrills]

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Not the full "Misery" origin story, but, some interesting hints. The hubris of petty criminals always amazes me both in fiction and IRL. Why chum shark infested waters, when you're in the same water as the shark? If you KNOW someone is a psycho killer, why go poking them with a stick to see how they'll react? Double dumbazz on you roach boy. But now, it looks like some seriously BAD Juju has been unleashed. Let's see how all this plays out, and ties in with the rest of the saga.

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This felt a lot like the first episode of Bates Motel, but not as good.

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Bravo, Lizzy Caplan, for channeling Annie Wilkes pretty damn perfectly.

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This episode had more twists than a bag of Twizzlers. The backstory of Annie Wilkes should be very interesting as I'm sure there will be more uncovered as this season progresses. The lengths she goes through to protect her daughter and get the drugs she needs are jaw-dropping.

Annie's break-in to Dr. Nadia's home and her ice-cream scoop murder of Ace Merrill were shocking. And that ending with the bugs streaming out of the ground...was something supernatural also set free? I guess answers will come since the seasons of Castle Rock are not continuations of previous seasons. Thankfully.

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great first episode already hooked roll on the next episode

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that's some really creepy shit ... me like

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We have a good Annie Wilkes here. Her daughter, Joy, is reminding me that I need to stop slacking and do my Inktober drawings, hah. :pen_ballpoint: I'm pretty glad that there's a character like Joy for the Misery story this season. With the dark, there needs to be a bright side to balance it out.
Only one episode in, there's already some visual references to Salem's Lot and Shawshank Redemption and of course the show's title, Castle Rock. The hospital scenes were actually filmed in a town away from where I'm located IRL too.
I'm already making predictions now, and I hope that Joy survives this story and somehow escapes her mother by the end of the season. I'm not yet convinced that she's her biological mother either which would add to reasons to why Joy should run. We'll see how it goes. :thinking:

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Pretty good first episode (though I said the same thing about Season 1 and that lost focus very soon, in my opinion). I don't know how well the reason for Anne's hopping with the explanation Doctor H gave, holds up much, but that's a small thing.

And Lizzy Caplan is great. More of her.

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I like the way she kills him !

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I heard people had issues with Lizzy Caplan's character this season. They would say Lizzy did a good job acting, but the character annoyed them. I fail to see that yet. I like this role for her, as its hard for me to see the normal comedic Lizzy Caplan i'm used.

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Is it weird that after watching this episode I wanted some icecream so I went to scoop out a bowl? But don't worry, the only thing that I was cramming down a throat... was icecream down mine! :grin:

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just episodes with left propaganda I'm done

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