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Castle Rock: Season 2

2x10 Clean

The whole season was awesome. Those easter eggs in all episodes... Paul Sheldon... superb.

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The first half of this episode concerns Pop tricking Ace and saving Castle Rock from the undead. I'm not sure what actually happens to Ace, but Pop is certainly crushed within the falling walls of the Marsten House. The second half is dedicated to finishing up the relationship story of Annie and Joy. Annie ends up drowning Joy and I think it's mostly clear that Joy remained a living vessel for Amity, the queen of the undead.

Annie acquires an obsession with the "Misery" book series by Paul Sheldon. The final scene with Annie attending his book signing, surrounded by the "ghosts" in her head of Joy, and her mother and father is satisfying. Seeing Annie's obsession with Sheldon and her final line of "I'm [his] Number One fan" sets up Stephen King's chilling novel appropriately.

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Total trash
waste of time

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The ending was just so horribly sad for me -- I'm unfamiliar anything of King's after, "Tommyknockers," and, "The Stand," so the meanings to other commenters here are lost on me. But, I lost my daughter last year, and I did not see this twist all.

Joy: "You saved me!"
Oh, God!

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And this is why Annie Wilkes gets upset when Paul Sheldon lets Misery die.

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This is why you don't self-medicate.

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Castle Rock was at times a success but often an unfortunate slog. And the last 2 episodes, there were a lot of slow moments. But the last 20 minutes of this season / series, was fantastic.

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Wow. That ending.

Fantastic season.

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A superb season. Lizzy Caplan was extraordinary.

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