I’m a little over halfway through this episode, and I’m tempted not to finish it. The demented old man has shot one of his staff and Clarice has knocked him down. He had a gun in his hand when she knocked him down, and she did not take the gun. SHE DID NOT TAKE THE GUN!

This is so beyond belief that I’m worried that the rest of this episode is going to be full of stupidity in the advancement of plot.

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Nicely concluded. Would like to watch more.

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In the finale we find out Clarice truly kicks ass (nearly knocking out two guys), has no mercy (“sorry I saw nothing”) and beyond daddy issues, also has mommy issues.

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Wow, for all practical purposes, Clarice flat out told Tyson to kill himself. Unexpected but I approve.

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even though the finale suggests there is more story to be told, we did get a conclusive ending for the serial case of the Anacostia River murders

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Now this is how a season finale should be!!!!!!!

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