Personal Lists featuring...

Clarice: Season 1

1x07 Ugly Truth


133 | 133 | Jan
126 | 259 | Fev
185 | 444 | Mar
144 | 588 | Abr
149 | 737 | Mai
165 | 902 | Jun
126 | 1028 | Jul
93 | 1121 | Ago
92 | 1213 | Set
143 | 1356 | Out
168 | 1524 | Nov
151 | 1675 | Dez


Diary of everything I saw while social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic

  • 1–516 (March 17–June 22, 2020) we're under mandatory lockdown.
  • the last movie i saw in the theaters was The Hunt on sunday, march 15, 1st viewing and HATED it!