I believe this this may be one of my favorite bit parts by Stephen Toblowsky.

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Abed's subplot was the best subplot, as often happens. Unfortunately I don't think the other threads carried their weight.

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Thee setup:

"I'm auditioning for Professor Garrity's all-black production of Fiddler on the Roof. It's called 'Fiddla, please'."

The landing:

"Someone drop an Old Testament beat!"

God, this show landed those setups in the funniest ways possible.

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Fiddla Please is my favorite joke of the episode, and we get to see it in the stinger!

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Professor Sheffield: "I have studied this show, Mr Abed. I am not a fan. I am not a groupie, I am an academic."


"Yeah, about that. I wasn't so much 'molested' as much as I 'made it up.'" — Troy

"Story doesn't matter here. All that matters is our time... in the spotlight." — Professor Garrity

Now, hold on

Abed: "The empircally provable answer to the question 'who's the boss?' is..."
Professor Sheffield: "Angela Bower."

I wish I was as cool as Abed

Oh, Abed's professor was Sammy Jankis in Memento. Also, that episode was just weird.


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