I got it the first time so the reverse play by play via Paul’s POV wasn’t all that necessary to me. Everything’s been quite clearly spelled out with Jo (the audience/critic need to over analyze and shrewdly theorize even the most obvious aspects of the show is really baffling; there’s fun and there’s making a mess out of thin air and that’s the read I get of some of these internet theories) so all I’m really interested in is getting a coherent ending to the season. I’m not the type that needs every scene and conversation to push the plot forward but I do need things to be interesting and this episode definitely wasn’t.

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ok needed episode, we all have thought of it but nice to see it happen.

Also did he actually stop the vacuum in empty cold space with a baby wipe ?!?!?!??!?!

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This was wild! Definitely puts a lot of major pieces together! I guess it’s safe to say that Jo and Paul switched universes? And so did Henry and Bud?

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I think we reached the point where it is obvious to the audience what happened but the plot needs some more episodes to explain - which could be a bit annoying but I guess we will see!

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Okay I rewatched episode 1 and I get it now, there is not a plot hole. If you struggle with the logic like me rewatch episode 1 with the first ISS sequence when she's talking to her daughter and pay attention to the daughters hairstyle, clothes and the language they speak with each other. Also check out what's on Paul's workbench - We are actually seeing both sides edited together to make it seem like one sequence, clever! My respect for the show increased quite a bit after discovering this.

I'm starting to doubt that they'll be able to explain the glaring plot holes regarding which version of each person came from which universe, because Henry's experiment only happened on one side, but somehow the woman with a daughter who speaks Swedish ended up in the wrong universe, but she was filming the experiment while talking Swedish with her daughter and now she is in a universe where the experiment happened but... The daughter doesn't speak Swedish here? Does it only make sense if it's the daughter that switched maybe?

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Constantly making unhinged decisions is getting a bit old.

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