Shouts about...

CSI: Cyber 2015

scorpion is at least funny, this just stupid

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The pilot episode was offensive in a multitude of ways. A clearly racist show trying hard to be politically correct but utterly failing, the depictions of technology aren't even ROOTED in reality and the writing consists entirely of cliches. Every character is a predictable stereotype and the plot is laughable. Not even so bad it's good. Just bad.

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I am just a big CSI fan, and this is just as the original CSI a really nice one to watch. I can't wait to see where this one is going.

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After the first 11 Episodes i must say this series is good. Its not an CSI but the Cyber thing is really awesome! Sure the things what they use are not 100% as in the real world but its a great show and i laugh sometimes when they hack things. Maybe i like this series cause i'm a developer?

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I really like Patricia Arquette, however, I did think the first episode was pretty rough (writing and all around acting) but I have been watching every episode thereafter. But I feel they're getting better and better. I look fwd to each new episode as the 'family' grows. As not a very tech savvy kind of person, I do like learning about what's possibly out there. It's quite scary, the cyber world, & how everyday things we use, pass by, etc... can be our truest enemy. My mom won't watch the show because it freaks her out. But I hope the show sticks around awhile.
Ted Danson did offer some more character to the show but am excited to see where they go from here.
I really liked as I finish this series, which unfortunately was canceled due to low ratings.
My Score 7/10.

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This show is so technical inaccurate that I almost cried a few times. I stopped watching this after the first four or five episodes. Just a waste of time.

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Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2015-04-24T18:13:08Z— updated 2016-06-24T19:58:19Z

After the first 8 episodes I´m still not sure where I stand with this show. Every new show needs some time to develop. This isn´t all out awful but it isn´t exceptionally good either. It is definitely not CSI. And maybe that`s the whole problem. Because of the CSI tag I compare it with the other shows and this does not come close. Maybe they should name it just Cyber

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The "It could happen to you" in the intro is just bad. Looks like i'm watching Arquettes old show :/

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I actually learned some things from this show, which surprised me. However, there were some problematic elements as well. I liked it better than CSI: New Orleans.

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an insult to anyone in IT

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Season 1 has improved from its start to finish strongly, I think. I've not watched any of the other CSI shows, maybe I will :)

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Why is this so bad? I don't know if it's the actors or the filming. Even the intro is terrible.
I don't mind Van Der Beek, but he should stick to comedies and Arquette seems to be a really bad actor.

I do like Charley Koontz and Shad Moss though.

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A pretty good start. Keep it coming

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One of the more ridiculous pilots I've seen. Terrible dialogue, logically inconsistent. Wack-a-doodle plot. Wooden acting. Shows like this make me want to learn the behind the scenes history of who was in charge of different studios or when/why certain ideas got pitched and accepted. You can't expect much of anything from the "forever cop shows," but if you're already starting from a simple or boring and on the verge of parody place, the random ass ideas you use to spice things up push it over the edge. If you're going to just forgo the idea that even a cheap/easy show needs a bare minimum dialogue, I'm going to say this only got a second season because of explicitly Ted Danson.

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I really love this show. It's too bad they canceled it.

To the naysayers who have knocked this show just remember that it's tv. Not everything is real.

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Where did they dig up the stories.. The tech stuff is so bogus and full of double talk it's ridiculous. The characters aren't very good and you don't come away caring about any of them. Now I know why Ted left the show..

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are these dialogues someone's high school project?

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Shout by Deleted

Shame. This show is going to the dogs.

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bad choice of actors. nice idea a bit

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A pretty good start. Keep it coming

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