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Cursed 2020


Shout by Nancy L Draper
BlockedParent2020-07-21T02:09:06Z— updated 2020-08-12T14:18:08Z

This is a very mediocre show. I love the Arthurian legends but this lacked context and imagination. It is just a teen fantasy dressed up in oversized costumes. I give this series a 5 (mediocre) out of 10. [Teen Fantasy]

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Now I didn't have any problems with the acting in this show apart from a few instances here and there but overall the writing of this show is what brought it down. it was so cliche and bring, and there wasn't really a single intense moment in this show as you would expect from a fantasy show of this nature.

It did intrigue me enough to give a second season a chance if there is ever one but this just didn't do anything for me as of this 1 season.

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Hated the first 2 episodes! Only kept going because my daughter raved about it and I wanted to see why. I hope people push through because it sucks you in and you can't wait to see what's next!
Unlike any other show about these characters. Can't wait to see where it goes.

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The first episode was awful, 2nd not so bad, but it does actually get better and worth watching.

They’ve gone for a strange stylistic way to film the show, which is probably the hardest part to get past, but you get used to it.

It has some great actors in, but unfortunately the script is poor. Which makes it difficult for the actors. Although, there are some poor actors mixed in with the good.

It actually got a fairly decent storyline if you keep going. Which is a shame as it could have been a really good show if produced etc by someone else. I’m very confused to why they took this approach in the show, it makes it seem low budget.

It comes over as a children’s or family show in a lot of ways, but in fact it’s not given the brutality, swearing, gore etc.

I’m glad I pushed past the things I didn’t like and focused on the story/plot.

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My 2 cents on this series are
Great actors for a poorly written series.

First 2-3 episodes are completely dull and predictable
The story eventually develops to something worth watching and when you start enjoying some character development and story the season ends.
The only characters I really cared were side character like Pym (and the North dude) and Morgana. Merlin was an interesting character too, but only after the first 2 episodes.

After episode 6 or 7 I was into the story, but again the writing was off and there were moments that made me cringe

Not sure if I'm going to be watching season 2

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This is a very interesting re-imagining tale of King Arthur and The Lady of the Lake. I thoroughly enjoyed the 1st season and am looking forward to the next - too bad it will be at least another year before we see that.

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Bad writing, acting, actor choice, execution, direction, and story telling. Avoid this show unless you want to waste 10 hours of your life as I did. Netflix better not make season 2 of this stupidity. This was a bigger waste of time than Warrior Nun.

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Halway through this season, and the story is all over the place. They just keep introducing characters and killing them off with little to no impact to either the story nor the main characters. While the scenery is beautiful, the CGI is often times horrendous. Characters feel very shallow.
Edit: And the second half doesn't get any better.

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Could have been a decent show (after the first 2 Episodes at least)

And yes, it could have - but they fell into the "how to make female characters strong" trap like so many other recent shows.
Making all the men (including established ones like Arthur and Uther) in it look like weaklings and evil in some form or another in order to make the women look better (They even took Merlins magic away for f***s sake).

Which doesn't make a story bad in itself, but combined with the fact, that the sagas of Arthur and Excalibur are well renowned and Arthur and Uther are expected to be powerful and commanding men, its more laughable than entertaining.

Even that might be ok, if Netflix promoted the show with a "What If" premise - but they don't, all the description says is, that she joins forces with Arthur (implying, that Arthur is on his way to be king and they are equals or at least close to it).

One good thing though: Nimue is definitely not a Mary Sue - although powerful it does drain her, so there is some room for suspense.

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I quite enjoyed the show. However, I don't think that Katherine Langford should have played the main part, she's pretty much the only downside of the show. Skarsgard however, kind of balances out her performance with his perfect rendition of a pained Merlin.

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please no more seasons we already had enough...

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Seems to be a few people upset because they made Arthur black. If you can set aside your racial issues for a few hours, you will find the show is solid for a Netflix offering. I'm actually surprised they didn't cast the black guy as the "gay best friend" because that's the typical Netflix move.

Unique story in comparison with other "Camelot / Knights of the round table / Sword in the Stone" based shows and movies.
I was far more interested in the side character's stories which is a good sign for character/world building in future seasons.

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Not your 13-year-old's fairy tale. Beautiful but brutal. Well-acted and only a little campy.

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It was ok, nothing amazing

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Shout by MissStockholm

This show is truely cursed, from the first episode untill the last…. Netflix, you can do so much better!

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It's just bad. There was so much potential, but the way they executed it was terrible. I agree if another director, editor, etc has taken this story/script it would have 10/10, but as of now it's just 3/10

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Looks like another Netflix content scam. Make a show that’s made by 2nd rate or sub-par team (because this far cheaper than paying real creators), promote the shit out of it, hook people into wasting 10 hours (because they are waiting for something to happen), and repeat in hopes of gaining subscribers. Netflix has mastered this formula as of late. Skip this show unless you want to waste 10 hours.

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I watched this for Daniel Sharman. He's good, but the plot is a disappointment.

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the cast is good , I haven't end the story yet but it looks a mess. I'm sorry to say it, but how can Artur be in the same timeline of a young nemueh... btw I didn't enjoy "Merlin" the series for the same reason. I think anyway that the characters are a little too foggy . they can still save it if with a narrative exploit . I'm ending it by saying that it's enjoyeble , but it could have been better in many ways.

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Another kitsch from the series; Arthur from Bangladesh and the bad Catholics

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Really wanted to like this and get into the realm it was trying to bring across but it failed miserably. Got to the end of the first episode but the wolves that came along and the way that she killed them was just dumb there was just too many scenes like that just made it hard to get into the story.

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What a huge waste of a perfectly good Skarsgård. This would be bad even for CW standards but Netflix? Wow, they just hit a new low.

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The SJWs cursed this show.

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I really dislike Katharine Langford

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Ugh. No. I just can't. I managed half an episode but it just too cliché. Blergh.

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