Somehow Nunez can walk to the machine & disable it, where in the last episode he passed out. How is this even possible? Stupid!!!

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Luxurious 10-episode running time should allow The Lost Symbol to be more character-driven than Ron Howard's film adaptions of Dan Brown's Robert Langdon franchise. As the series played out, this luxury became a double edged sword. On the one hand, the characters became more fully realized. But these characters lack depth and just aren't all that interesting.

On this final episode, we now get the reveal. On Dan Brown's seminal The Da Vinci Code, the reveal was genuinely awe inspiring (helped by Hans Zimmer's evocative score). On this episode, it was anti-climatic and pedantic all at once.

I patiently watched each episode as I found the performances to be uniformly excellent. Ashley Zukerman as Robert Langdon made me forget about Tom Hanks and he shows the right balance of intellect and curiosity. Sumalee Montano (Sato) and Rick Gonzalez (Nunez) take caricature characters and make them much larger.

But at the end, the materials lack that gripping reveals. Well played but overdrawn from a source that just isn't dense enough.

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