I think every week the same people say they are done with this show lol. Though the writers do suck at the Sara and Ava romance.
It feels forced and phony with them saying babe to each other 1-10 times an episode. So forced and phony that I am not surprised that both actresses are straight in real life.
Now their wedding was just forced in the middle of the episode out of nowhere. “Hey the shit hit the fan, let’s stop everything and get married!” Not once but two times. Then the writers threw in the “we’re all connected nonsense. That was so corny that it might as well have been in the Flash.

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Replace the entire writing staff. Or cancel the show. The cast and the audience deserve it.

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I'm really going to miss Constantine if he's really gone. Otherwise I'd love to get another season of the Constantine series again ...

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Actually going to miss Bishop. Such a fun villain. I like those charming, upbeat villains! Seemingly doing everything on a whim. That being said I'm so glad this season is over because it was weak at best. Storywise, meh. Highlights: Ava and Sara getting engaged and married, such a wonderful moment when they all stood in that circle. Bishop, and having OG Zari back for a bit. I like Behrad, he fills up the gap left by Ray but I'm seriously going to miss Mick. I also enjoyed watching Astra and Spooner develop this friendship and seeing Astra soften up a bit. I wasn't sure about her being a regular but I'm glad the writers kept Astra around! We'll need that grumpy attitude now that both Mick and John are gone.

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The wedding nonsense in the middle of the episode was 100% dead air. Not that the rest was much better, but what awkward timing during a season finale. Utter garbage.

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Have I been the only one finding much more inclusive and romantic the love between a “squid” and a human (with 48 children!!) than that forced relationship between our two blondies?

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Wow talk about corny. Time to stop watching this random nonsense of a show it has become. Once a great show. Now it’s just a platform for SJW.

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Goodbye Lame-asses of Tomorrow, you were once a promising show but after multiple seasons of this I can't do this anymore.
Consider yourself... ended.

Even less reason to watch with Rory and Constantine gone, even though didn't add anything to the show for a while now and were stripped of what made them good in the past anyways. Nice try on the cliffhanger though... I'll read about it.

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