Lynette was quite unbearable this episode. Tom isn’t perfect but surely deserves the benefit of the doubt. He surely is the best spouse from all the wives.

I’m starting to think Carlos won’t ever be held accountable for tampering with Gabrielle’s pills. They’ll just get on with this storyline and pretend it’s merely a miracle or whatever. But I hope I’m wrong.

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Tom is ofcourse in the wrong but I find Lynette quite naive to believe she could change a man who she met while he was cheating on somebody for her. I thought that little creepo kid made the kitchen go boom, but nobody in this show seems to care much when their house goes on fire lellerska.

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Was abortion legal in the US in 2005?

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They’re not even gonna mention the option of abortion?

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I think Bree likes to know that Rex is jealous of her. That alone explains allowing George to come back into her life like this. Worse: to be sneaking out with him, even though she knows he has feelings for her. After all, it's not possible that she really fell for that made up story about having a girlfriend...

Susan's kitchen exploding is an event!

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