Written as a short interim between The Parting of the Ways (2005) and The Christmas Invasion (2005), the Children In Need Special of 2005 officially introduced David Tennant's Tenth Doctor. It sets the template of the quirky introductions of new Doctors while letting Rose act as the surprised and confused audience member, questioning the authenticity of the Doctor. It's a funny but also a surprisingly touching little scene made to help us accept the new leading man and segway into his first full adventure.
David Tennant immediately makes the part his own, playing it very different from Christopher Eccleston. Billie Piper plays the uncertain Rose very well, trying to understand what she has just witnessed while watching the new Doctor act strangely.

Score: 80/120

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As someone who still isn't over The Parting of Ways I think Rose's reaction to the Doctor's regeneration is perfect.

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