A list of every Doctor Who episode in the revival era.


Episode by Episode (Including Specials) of New Doctor Who (2005-Present) in order.


A watchlist based on https://www.geekyregards.com/p/doctor-who-complete-nuwhoniverse.html


In order with specials - list has all full episodes from 2005 to present.

NOTE: Series 7 (11th Doctor) is listed as individual episodes here because half the season, then a Christmas special, then the other half of the season aired.


A complete viewing order for Doctor Who (2005), including the 50th special, but skipping bonus features such as Children in Need specials.


The chronological order of mainly Nuwho and its spin offs but Classic Doctor Who is still included.

Everything available to watch for free on BBC iPlayer.

Extra notes :
• Tales of the Tardis can be watched to ease viewers into Classic Who

• Visit https://www.bbc.co.uk/topics/cg2m52x1kj5t for the extensive library of the Doctor Who universe

• Official website : https://www.doctorwho.tv




tags :
#Новый год #новогодний эпизод #новогодняя серия #новогоднее настроение #merry christmas #рождество #рождественская серия #рождественский фильм #рождественский эпизод #xmas #new year #santa claus #дед мороз #снегурочка #деда мороза #снеговик #снеговика #ёлка #Jingle Bells #новогодние #рождественские


in progress

if you haven't seen Doctor Who yet this list will contain spoilers for you so just skip it!

Some episodes take place multiple time in the list and I yet to choose where to place that episode as Trakt allow to use episodes at one place

The story of River Song is so bigger than just TV episodes but Trakt only handle these kind of media. I will decide later to put comics, prose and audio to this list later as a description.


TV: The Almost People
TV: A Good Man Goes to War
WC: The Impossible Astronaut: Prequel
TV: The Impossible Astronaut
TV: Day of the Moon


TV: Let's Kill Hitler


TV: Let's Kill Hitler
TV: Closing Time
WC: The Wedding of River Song: Prequel
TV: The Wedding of River Song
TV: A Good Man Goes to War
TV: The Impossible Astronaut
TV: Day of the Moon
TV: The Pandorica Opens
TV: The Big Bang
TV: The Time of Angels
TV: Flesh and Stone
WC: Monster File: Weeping Angels
WC: Monster File: Vampires
WC: Monster File: Silurians
TV: The Angels Take Manhattan
TV: The Husbands of River Song
TV: Silence in the Library
TV: Forest of the Dead
WC: The Story of the Diary of River Song
TV: The Name of the Doctor



The ultimate list of everything Doctor Who.


Regular episodes and specials
Only new doctor who


The Doctor Who-verse Timeline


This is a chronological watching order of all (canonical) Doctor Who episodes, specials and spin-offs.
