Mr. Huffle. Best interrogation device ever.

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You can't please all Who-Heads but this Special was a delight. Or should I say it was super ? You just can't say it was Christmassy.

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it was okay! i don't know why this story needed to be told, but Charity Wakefield as Lucy was great! Matt Lucas as Nardole, too!

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A great superhero parody! Ironically I liked it better than the movies it was a parody of lol

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This was actually a really fun episode! I'm starting to get excited about Season 10.

Loved Mr Huffles! Might intruduce somwething like this to my kid :) :) :)

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Finally caught this up. Normally the Christmas episodes are a bit shit but I liked this one :)

Also, Peter Capaldi as the Doctor is growing on me at last... just when he's leaving.

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would be pretty great if we could have just one post-Matt Smith Doctor Who episode that isn't trash

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Lack of Christmas scenes and feeling. Overall an average episode.

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It did not feel like a Christmas special but it was fine. I liked it more than last years which was cheesier with hamier acting. There is a definite feel of the old superhero movies to it and some of the jokes may not translate as easily to today's audiences. With Nardole, like Donna before its an actor I don't like and a character I felt no desire to see again but think similarly will grow to be a favorite. I liked him, the dynamic and look forward to more episodes with him.

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A nice, fun and lighthearted episode. It's very good seeing the Doctor again, and I enjoyed the rest of the cast as well. The superhero flying effects were rather cheesy but other than that it was an interesting story, the superhero references were nice and I also liked the way it was a loose continuation of last year's special (with the aliens, Nardole and the mentions of River).

With that said, this was probably the least "Christmas special" of the Christmas specials. I would have much rather preferred to see this story as a regular season episode. I'm not saying it needs to be very Christmassy (last year's episode wasn't, and neither was the one with Tennant newly-regenerated other than the final moments) but it just didn't have that "special episode" feel to me at any point.

Looking forward to see more of Nardole and meet the new companion!

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Nice to see Doctor Who on a high again. Let's hope the new series can keep it going!

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