So Good
and definitely better
than the first part.
Rory was super annoying
in this episode and was
a complete and utter idjit,
he pissed me off that much
in this I was thinking god
can't wait for him not to be
apart of team Tardis anymore.
The fool put everyone in danger
and that acid death to the
heart was on him.
Rory the fool and
Cleves got off way to
easy this episode,
(Amy remember to breathe).
That being said loved
Jen the stuff of nightmares,
she just wouldn't stop
didn't really appreciate.
The Doctor getting rough
with Pond (Amy Breathe),
but I did enjoy Amy
with The Doctor and John Smith
throughout this entire
episode and her interactions
with them both.
Really good episode
plenty of "Shenanigans"
and well paced.
(not sure how
Rory the fool made
it out this episode alive,
he really should be dead
for good).

"Amy Push" but only when
she tells you too.

"This Is Where Things
Get Complicated"


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