Review by Ward

From memory, i thought the flesh Amy and real Amy were different beings, that flesh Amy was a copy. But upon rewatching the episode you realize that it was the same person, it was just a neural connection from the original Amy to the flesh one. I guess. And then the doctor severed that connection. Even though it's strange how they were both connected to each other throughout time and space...

In these episodes it was established that a power surge caused the originals and flesh to seperate. Or is that right? Because we saw discarded flesh and they were conscious? And it was made a big deal that the flesh itself is conscious even as it absorbs personalities...

So was the flesh Amy a seperate being or could have been a separate being? I don't think so, because it would be an extremely dark and unrealistic move by the doctor to just kill her. So i think it was just a neural connection like we saw in the beginning of this two parter, i guess.

I liked the episode but not as much as the previous one. Things were convieniently wrapped up, and Jennifer was a standard kind of villain with a standard turn to villainy. And the dispensing of the other doctor felt a bit convienient. This was the doctor, and he went out like that. No.

Apart from that there's some chases and switcheroos. I liked that Jennifer made another copy of herself to trick Rory, and i liked the switcheroo of the doctor with his shoes. When did he switch them? At the beginning when they met? Or sometime after? Because there was that scene with Amy and the doctor and she told him about his future death, and he went on about his connection with the flesh.

I do like at the end with Cleves and the flesh guy going to the press to shed light on the whole situation, which will then change the world. But it's strange how nice the doctor treates Cleves when she had earlier murdered the flesh Buzzer.

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