Love Clara slapping The Doctor

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Ok can we have a companion change already?

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Still with the weird insults towards Clara (I don't understand what's so funny about insulting her body - is the joke supposed to be that she's obviously gorgeous, so his comments are ridiculous? Still, I'm just not particularly comfortable with women being mocked for how they look even if it's in jest) but otherwise I liked it a lot. "You are a good Dalek." Whether you interpret it as "you are as hateful and destructive as the Daleks" or - which I find more likely - "You are as hateful as the Daleks, but you still do good" ... it's a great line.

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Contains my favorite Doctor Who dialogue of all time:

Doctor: "This is Clara. She's not my friend... she's... another word--"
Clara: "I'm his carer."
Doctor: "That's right, she's my carer. She cares so I don't have to."

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