Shout by Ward

FANTASTIC TWIST WITH DAVROS, but far too late. It would have been perfect to do the twist at the end of last episode, and have less dancing in 1100AD, even though part of that was fun.

I LOVE the twist that the doctor knew.

I LOVE Missy being good but also evil.

I don't want the glasses to be the new sonic screwdriver.


I like the ending.

A MUCH better second part.

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Wondering if the Daleks and Davros would survive their encounter with the Doctor...

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the episode is kinda cool. the conversation between dalek and the doctor is so sad and clara portrayed it well

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I do happen to like the way they subtly hinted that The Doctor has enough regeneration energy for another go, at least. What I don't like is that this comes along with recent Peter Capaldi's comments on interviews about him being too tired of shooting Doctor Who, after just two series. That means that he's leaving after series 10?. Most likely. Cast a 57 y.o. actor in a physical demanding role, and what do you get?. The episode introduces the concept of a new Doctor in just a couple of lines, and that kept my attention off for the rest of it. When I went back to watch it again, there it was, I wasn't wrong. So, I'm expecting the beginning of the casting process after S9's Christmas special, and a proper send off after wrapping S10. Wearable technology?... sure.

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I didn't really understand the story of Davros, a decent episode non of the less, good job BBC.

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