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FEUD 2017

Season 2 - 6/10
The cast and production were top notch. The story itself was just a meandering drama about a bunch of privileged socialites. Very hard to sympathize with. His long suffering ex was the main redeeming character in this season.

Special mention for Chloë Sevigny's role in this show. I never took her seriously as an actor until now. She truly held her own amongst the elites in this show.

It's great to see Jessica Lange back on screen. Her presence has been greatly missed on American Horror Story.

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The first season was sublime the second was not. It's bizarre that the talents involved made such a hash of it.

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By far the best thing Ryan Murphy had done. This show touched me to my core. Susan and Jessica are marvelous, magical, hypnotizing! The last episode is one of the saddest things I have watched in my life. Really cannot CANNOT recommend this enough.

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It's like the battle of two titans. Both the represented and the actresses, completely mesmerizing. Very well done.

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The last episode is heartbreaking.

最后一集太扎心……另外看了下最后为Bette Davis画肖像的基佬果然是Christopher Isherwood的男友Don Bachardy【

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Susan Sarandon and Jessica Lange gave us almost perfect performances, loved the both of them completely. The ambience of old Hollywood made me fall in love with the series, the costumes, hair and make-up were gorgeous.

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back when actresses chewed the scenery and feuds were legendary and this show didnt disappoint!

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great acting, but even with the writers' efforts the story is not that interesting
nothing but hollywood gossip that no one gives a shit anymore turned into a series with great production and cast
nice to watch it tho

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Joan/Bette are portrayed absolutely amazing in this, the both of them. Ppl should watch B4 just dismissing. Much more than 'justice' done in this great look back at Hollywood royalty!

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Ok, I admit I have not watched this show. But as a classic movie lover I do not think I could. No actor today could not come off as strong as Bette Davis and Joan Crawford. If you have ever seen Joan Crawford in Mildred Pierce or Bette Davis in Dark Voyager you know what I mean. Also some of the actors they have playing some of the actors of their time. Kathy Bates does not seem like she is anything like Joan Blondell. But maybe that is why it is called acting. Todays Hollywood does not have the class or ability they had then.

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