Sadly, Ash has grown into a surly, narcissistic teenager, with little to no introspective ability. The first excuse she had to bounce, without even giving her friends the courtesy of and opportunity to explain what she ear hustled before becoming judge, jury and executioner, and running off to someone who ACTUALLY DID kill her brother, as well as Bolo, and countless worlds, shows how hormonally disturbed and damaged she has become. That Lil Cato wanted to stay meant nothing to her, as, like Invictus, only HER thoughts and desires are what now matter.

No matter what the eventual outcome is, IMO, Ash should always get the side eye and be viewed with extreme caution, as she can NEVER be FULLY trusted again.

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"I told you at one point, all of us are broken. It's just a question of how much and how far we're willing to go to fix it.
Well, how far are you willing to go?

All the way."

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I got nothin'...

...but tears, apparently.

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