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For All Mankind 2019

This is worth the ride, you need to stick with it for a long time :) yes there are parts for me that don't work but overall a good story and some words of warning for us all.

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It started amazingly and it's still one of my favorite Sci-Fi shows of today, but the NorthKoreaFobia and RussianFobia is tiring... next it will have an Zionist colony on mars...

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Great series and can't wait for next season, but... From the 3rd season on, things begin to look more predictable. The finale (won't spoil) has been ripped from The Martian I'm afraid. Also, altogether, it has a little too much “family” plot. It's like only one family was sent to the Moon and Mars. Anyway, great series!

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I did not expect to like this show, and when I pulled it up and saw RDM, I blinked and said, Oh definitely.” And I wasn’t proved wrong. I’m pretty sure if RDM wants to do anything he will get the money to do it. His ability to find and pull the right people together to tell a specific story is phenomenal to me. He never disappoints. Long story short: This is great! It is very good. The season 2 closer was devastating. But of course, beautifully sets up Season 3. Do it. It’s a great watch.

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With some anticipation I looked to Apples new programme list and this one stood out. An alternate history where the Russians made it to the moon first. The knock on effect is fascinating affecting politics, equal rights and family dynamics.
From the team that brought Battlestar to the screen it has been made with a realism that makes it accessible and possible.
Well cast and characters fleshed out to a point that you care about all of them. Really please to see where this goes in the future and hope Apple keeps supporting projects like this.

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Shout by TioTato

Season One hooked me with the alternate-history take on the space race and vivid characters; Season Two has been utterly gripping, the drama that I look forward to most each week. The Cold War initially looms in the background for "right stuff" NASA stories, but U.S.-Soviet conflict flares hot on earth and above it by season 2, episode 9.

Overall, pilot Molly Cobb is my goddamn hero, for all her faults.

Ellen Wilson, Gordo Stevens, Dani Poole, Tracy Stevens, Margo Madison & Aleida Rosales' dilemmas constantly grab me. The Baldwins are like your parents, when you get to know their vulnerabilities as fellow adults. And life would be so much more interesting if we lived in this show's timeline.

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Beginning with an alternate view of the who won the race to the moon (1969), this tracks all the shifts in history (into the early 2000s) , first. In the space program, but, with a wider lense, in global politics, while giving us, up close and personal, stories from the viewpoint of the individuals who lived through those times. This is a great blend of History, Intrigue, Thriller, Drama, Geopolitical Confict and Adventure. The acting is top-notch. The writing is clever and informed. The characters will live with you after the series ends. This is great television. I give this series an 8 (intelligent fiction) out of 10. [SciFi Drama]

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Each season keeps getting better imho. This first episode of season 3 was a hell of a ride.

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The series is a piece of diamond!

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Overall story is good but I guess now you just need to "watch" something with the remote in your hand to skip all the bullshit in between.
I remember when I used to watch something to relax, now I need to be semi relaxed to watch something.

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This is the best Apple TV series so far. Impressive actors and story telling. The music is also top notch.

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Most boring season so far, as tough as chewing gum.

Somehow the series has deteriorated massively and exchanged its pioneering spirit for a depressive espionage character study.

The eternally aging actors are deeply tiring and it slowly becomes more than unbelievable that they are still on active duty in space after decades.

At least after 10 episodes we finally find out what happened to the asteroid.

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Nice and strong. Loved it.

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This is great TV. I don’t understand all the negative reviews. Are they watching the same show I’m watching. Amazing visuals. Great sound track. Some good edge of your seat drama / action. Very well made show. I would ignore all the negative reviews if you want some good entertainment. The only down side I see to the show is that the Tobacco industry must’ve paid tons of money to the producers, because the use of cigarets, the mention the word, and smokers is unbelievable. Apple should be ashamed to allow such nonsense on their show.

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I love science fiction, but this is only fiction. There is too much bullshit over all these seasons.

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I liked season one and two, but season three seems to be going in wrong direction. This start was nice, but after the first few episodes it seems like they are rehashing stories and things are not realistic imo.

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This season isn't as good. I will blame the woke movement on that... Years ago I wouldn't care and would just watch and enjoy shows, but today with woke being shoved down our throats, I cannot help but be tired of the movement. It's backfiring. I am done with woke story lines. I seriously have no issues with gay people and wish happiness for everyone, but please please please stop shoving wokeness down our throats! we are all getting tired of it.

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Second season done
and oh girl......... what a season
Suspense in every episode
war in tik tok mode all the time
a serie that almost looks a paralell world!

Hope to get a 3 season, the end left everything open and mind exploding!

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I have to say that, i quite enjoy all this type of series about space, some are mehh others ok and others are wow
this one for me goes for wow
I felt myself almost crying on last episode, the immersion on story, the challenges they needed to pass to survive, the story that resemble reality but then you wake up and say: HEY, we dont have yet a lunar base eheheheh

Going to start now second season
Hope it continues like the first season!
If you arent sure, give it a try

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This show started out all right, but quickly delved into a silly alternate history where female astronauts were colonizing the moon and Ted Kennedy never drove drunk.

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When I started watching this series; I loved the concept of an alternate universe where simple things in life changed. It was something very close to normal life that it was very believable. I loved the time skips between/during the seasons to bring it up to date. But, by the 5th season, it has become a space soapie. A very good looking soap opera but other than the CGI involved; this series became a series I fast forwarded through. I hope season 6 drops the nonsense shock factors and gets back to a decent story.

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With FAM they managed to build an epic of space exploration and colonization taking inspiration from real characters and organizations, creating a very plausible dystopia. Topics such as female emancipation, the right to sexual freedom in the armed forces, the defense of workers' rights, they are inserted into history in a strong and not at all banal way. Furthermore, each season brings with it new themes, and the characters continually evolve, in directions that are not at all obvious.

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This is one of the very few shows which has been consistently good through multiple (3) seasons. I have to restrain myself from binging this one. The storylines, writing, acting, cinematics, engineering... amazing quality. Love it!

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Season 1 is totally ninja, growing up I lived some of these moments in history, and love the twist. I really couldn't stop watching, and am really invested in the story... the roles of people, women, moon colonization... it was great. And sad at the same time, since it's not real.

Enter Season 2. Fired all testosterone contributors (not a fact, just feels very female focused). Time warped 9 years forward... why? Little makes sense. We're even more focused on banal relationships no one cares about. And very little action... exception being the whole solar storm bit . To fix the obvious issues, I'm sure we're going to see war on the moon in the upcoming episodes. Season 3 will add the Chinese to the mix to make it more fun...

Really shouldn't have jump so far ahead so quickly. The story was great so far.

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A feminist wet dream. The show is woke af, but it being alternative history made it really funny and it didn't bother me all that much.

I had to drop it midway through season 4, though. I already had massive issues with the make up in season 3, but season 4 tops that. Ed for example looks hideously uncanny... like what were they thinking?

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Loving this 70s period-scifi piece so far. Nice space missions, human drama, very 70s. Everyone smokes all the time, everyone drinks all the time. My kind of fun.

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Shout by Ziggi
BlockedParent2019-12-19T20:30:39Z— updated 2019-12-28T22:42:41Z

I started watching this with absolutely no expectations, and was pleasantly surprised.

It's a great alternate history twist on the moon landing, and while I initially thought the novelty of core concept would wear off rather quickly, they've actually done a really good job at crafting a broad and nuanced "what if" scenario. It's a nice example of how one small difference can yield all sorts of unexpected results, and by the time I was around say... three episodes in, all the other series on the "currently watching" list had been sidelined by a need to find out what would happen next.

I'd definitely recommend giving it a try if you find the subject at all interesting.

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very high quality production.
liked that it always keeps you engaged without ever feeling it is out of pace and just an action-thrill series.

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A really good sci-fi show, amazing visuals and quite great writing. I would especially like to highlight the audio quality - it's rare that a show has audio this great, mixed well, great surround, audible dialogue, amazing dynamic range. It's very immersive and oh how I wish more shows were made like this.

Plot-wise there are a few rougher episodes, but in general it's still very good.

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GREAT SHOW! All story, little or even no wokeness.

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A great exploration of a "what if" situation. I'm looking forward to more seasons and where it could lead.

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First season was excellent

Second season devolved into soap level awful drama and rolled it easy back with the historical science fiction. I'm done. The quality dipped way too much and too many nonsensical plot points were added to make this entertaining anymore.

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Quite good. Very soapy; not quite Dallas or Dynasty in space, but the dramatic elements are cranked up to bordering on melodrama. The multiple character arcs are handled well as is the time compression over the first two seasons. It's worth a watch.

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What an awesome show! Criminally underrated!

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Shout by Speed Demon
BlockedParent2021-01-25T15:28:47Z— updated 2021-03-29T21:51:42Z

Very good show with just a few bits that could have been edited out to keep it going faster instead of bogging down. Way more emphasis on getting the women in the seat than anything else really. As Torben Herold said: should've been called "For all Womankind"

Still... better than average show 9/10

Watching season 2.. bored to death, this is one show that should have quit while they were ahead. Can't take it anymore - 2 episodes were more than enough - goodbye. 3/10

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Don't think I'm going to finish this. It's not bad. It's just extremely slow and almost nothing to do with space, as much as it's set around space. It's almost like Sci -Fi without the Sci. The production was incredible. Whoever handled that budget needs a raise because every scene was beautiful. I love dramas and the acting was phenomenal but the way I don't know if what I'm learning is true or false takes away any enjoyment from it, leaving it to be just a spectacle but even then there isn't much jaw dropping scenes. I thought this would be an escape from reality, but it smears it all over.

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Watched 3 episode of the Nationalism dripping drama, that has really good premises. Unfortunately the story, history wrangling and actor choices are a real let down. Tried again after Season 2 was release (due to prominent advertising) and was confirmed in my initial impression. This is a hard miss for me.

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the scene in episode 2 where they exposed on live tv the german scientist as a nazi collaborator or whatever was so dumb I just couldn't watch anymore... usually I'm ok with slow paced shows and with large cast but this felt like it dragged on forever while barely anything interesting would happen, its clear the writers didn't knew how to develop the characters and they just crammed some woke bullshit as filler or something...

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Wonderful show partially weighed down by more of modern pc bs.

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Going to give this series a shot after reading the positive comments about it. Even though anyone with a brain knows no one ever went to the moon.

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Starts with presidents talking then moves to Spain with people speaking in Spanish.

I didn't see a way to get interested in it.

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Completely ridiculous premise. And the show doesn't do much to make it watchable. I was halfway through the first season when I just completely gave up on watching this nonsense. What an absolute snoozefest. From what I gather the first season should be the best this has to offer. If that's the case, then I'm not at all interested in the rest of it.

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Aegis fate said this was good, putting on my watch list.

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