Shouts about...


Season 1

Average episode rating this season: 7.416666… (comfortably rounded up to 8/10 because I so look forward to the show coming around in my rotation again)

I'd counter @drnkmnky's assessment ("mediocre") with this point: The humor of Frasier is much more, shall we say, cerebral than many other popular sitcoms. I find Friends in particular to be a very marked contrast. Personally, I laugh much more at the wittiness of the Crane brothers and the people around them than I do at the often inane antics of Ross et al.

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Did watch the first couple of episodes because I was told that "Frasier" was better than Friends, Scrubs or Seinfeld.

Well... I obviously don't agree: the characters and the plots are not that great and while you will have the occasional laugh, there are so much better sitcoms out there (Friends, Scrubs, Seinfeld, Big Bang Theory or Modern Family for instance) and I recommend to skip this mediocre sitcom!

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