I know it's a wild retcon, it kinda breaks the previously established timeline, and it certainly aligns circumstances on the other side quite forcefully to match the desired narrative, but I'm a sucker for it nevertheless.

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Very confusing... So why do Olivia and Peter not remember meeting each other as children...

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I knew there was another 80s episode, but I had forgotten the details. Peter and Olivia meet when they're kids, on a fairly dramatic/emotional day (meaning it would stand out in memory), but neither of them remember it? That's some anime bullshit right there.
Back to my point about convenient universe placement - how incredibly convenient that Walternate just so happens to also be working in Florida, in the same building, even though it's for a completely different reason. I mean, come on.

The 80s-styled intro is still fire, though.

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Walter ends up doing the right thing, and Elizabeth the wrong thing- sort of. I mean, telling your alternate kid that your not really his mother would be hard for anyone. But not telling him, it messed her up.

Little Olivia needing a "combination of love and terror" to get the cortexiphan working. That part was sad.

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Looks like 1x flashback episode per season

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